There has been great demand for Nicky Bille apartment.

After just 14 days on the market the property was quite extraordinary sold for more than it was put up for sale for.

The write men study.

The 31-year-old actress put the apartment in Sydhavnen in Copenhagen, denmark for sale in February, about two months after three people tried to kill him the very same place.

Nicky Beetle was shot in the forearm with a shotgun and had subsequently removed 40 pellets.

the asking price was 3.695.000, but it was sold 1. march for 3.705.000.

It appears the new deed, showing the Extra the Magazine’s research in the land register.

the Apartment is on two floors and have views and balconies looking out to the water. Photo: Estate Harbour
So did Nicky Bille a profitable investment, when he in 2012 bought the 77 square meter property in the living room for 2.495.000 crowns.

the Profit from the sales also more than enough to finance the repayment of a mortgage on the two million. Nicky Bille recorded the loan in connection with the acquisition.

Of the title deed it appears that the new owner has acquisition first of June. Nicky Bille have in the registry office still address at the apartment in the south Harbour.

Earlier in march, the Nicky Bille trial postponed due to illness.

the Danish football – 4. mar. 2019 – at. 09:45 Bille trial postponed to end of april

– He has been shot. Without to be a doctor so he has it not good, said his lawyer, Asser Gregersen.

Nicky Bille stands indicted in the five different relationship from 22. October 27. January

Nicki Bille is accused of having threatened a person with a gun in Copenhagen 22. October last year, as well as to carry the gun recklessly and be in possession of 0.26 grams of cocaine.

In another case from december of last year he is accused of having beaten a doorman with the fist one or two times.

Recently, it came to light he also is accused of threatening a nurse at the national hospital in connection with treatment, after he was shot shortly after christmas in his apartment in the south Harbour.

the Case must run 25. and 26. april