“Nicole, 22, took his own life inside the rättspsyk: ”Tried to get help””

“RÅNGEDALA. After several years of drug abuse and crime she saw the closed forensic psychiatric care as a chance to turn their life right again. “

“But instead of the calls got Nicole Tomlinson more tablets – and the demons in his head grew stronger. “

“At a nattrond found a keeper the 22-year old lifeless on the floor by his bed.”

“– No one so young should have to die, says mom Isabell.”

“and It came to be their last meeting ended with a long hug. “

” We held each other and it really felt how close we were. It felt heartfelt in any way. We were so happy to have each other, ” says Isabell Tomlinson. “

“When she would leave the visiting room, so waved and smiled to the daughter of Nicole against her.”

“– It wasn’t that she just lommade away. She seemed very happy and said ”We’ll see you next week”. “

“Nicole’s state of mind had, however, shifted several times during the call. As so often, were the peaks high and bright, while the valleys could be abysmal. “

“– At one point she held her hands to the head and shouted, ”What shall I do?” and ”Shut it off!”.”

“Nicole tried to stop was the constant buzz inside the brain, which plagued her for a long time. She also suffered from delusions, and lately she had begun to hear voices.”

” She used to say that it was both the evil and the good voices that talked to her. The evil came from a specific direction, so she could separate them, ” says Isabell.”

“– But towards the end she said that it had been changed. Then came the evil voices from all directions.”

“in a corner In the family villa in Rångedala outside Borås is a stack of packed bags. They contain clothes and other things that Nicole had taken to the forensic psychiatric facility Brinkåsen in Vänersborg. It came to be the place where her life ended.”

“” I have no hurry to clear away her things. I don’t want everything to be obliterated. This has become a bit of a holy corner for us, ” says Isabell. “

“Nicole’s cat, Elsa, is prowling around her feet. In an adjacent room the daughter bed left. It is made up. It looks a bit like Nicole anytime would be able to come through the door. “

” She slept here often even after she moved away from home. I think that she liked that the room is a bit secluded, so she could get some distance to their younger siblings.”

“It was sometime in high school that Nicole began to feel bad. Isabell and her husband Mark thought at first that it was about the mood swings common in adolescence. However, it turned out to be far more serious. “

“– She was personlighetsförändrad. It was like she was on tenterhooks the whole time, and never could relax. She found it difficult to sleep, which meant that she became tired in the days and got it tough in school. “

“– in Addition, she became at this time the victim of a rape. It left deep traces in her.”

“Nicole started to hang out with friends who used alcohol and drugs. She discovered that the drugs got her single to be quieter.”

“– Nicole often went further than their friends. She could drink so much that she was injured and had memory lapses. In the environment that she ended up in was also cannabis everywhere, ” says Isabell. “

“– When she was under the influence it was that she committed the crime. It was not that she was criminal really, but she happened to be out of negative situations.”

“the List of Nicole’s contacts with the justice system is a jumble of more or less tumultuous events. At the age of 15, she was sentenced for assault after spitting two dispatchers in the face on a bus. Then follows a long series of judgments for, among other offenses, illegal driving, assault, and vandalism.”

“– Nicole was impulsive when she was feeling bad. It was she, not when she was younger, ” says Isabell. “

“In connection with a trial for violence against the officer in February 2016, the court concluded that Nicole appeared unstable. She had to undergo a psychiatric examination.”

“– They found that she was mentally ill and that she was not aware of what she did. So was it really. When I asked why she made a certain thing she could say, ”I don’t know, it just goes around in the head”. “

“Nicole was sentenced to closed psychiatric care. In June of that year, she was placed on Brinkåsen. To be locked up for an indefinite period of time would probably describe as a nightmare. But Nicole saw it as an opportunity.”

“– She thought that she would finally get the treatment to come to grips with their problems, ” says Isabell.”

“– She looked forward to getting to talk with a psychologist and a priest. But such calls, it was very rarely. There was no care at all, but only pills and storage.”

“in the Spring of 2017 was diagnosed Nicole with schizophrenia. According to mother Isabell did the lack of treatment and the heavy medication that she felt all the worse. “

“– the Staff did not know how they would respond to her. She had needed stimulation and social interaction, but she only became more and more isolated.”

“the Matters relating to mental illness and criminality are often complex. Nicole’s case is no exception. In the acts shows that she several times applied to health care would cease. “

“In the court of appeal’s refusal, from april 2017, the state chefsöverläkaren to any real psychological inquiry could not be started:”

“”In march declined Nicole Tomlinsons condition and she showed clear psychotic symptoms. She has behaved in a threatening manner towards fellow patients and the medicinjusteringar made have not improved the state of”.”

“Kent Storm is the manager of the closed mental health services in Uddevalla, Trollhättan and Vänersborg. “

” in Many cases it is the forensic psychiatric care is a slow process. There are rarely any quick solutions, and there can be a perception that it does not happen anything, ” he says. “

“– however, There is always a care plan, and we have psychologists and counsellors attached to all departments of the Brinkåsen. “

“But Nicole lost the fight against the demons in his mind. On 1 June 2017, she took his life in his room at the resort. She was found by a carer who went nattronden.”

“– She really wanted the help. But when nothing happened so she lost hope more and more. It is so terribly tragic. No one so young should have to die, ” says Isabell Tomlinson.”

“▪ Note: Nicole’s family has started a memorial fund to help young people with mental health problems. More information is available here.”

“If you feel bad please don’t keep it to yourself, then you need to seek help. “

“Talk to someone you trust, call a hotline or seek care. You can feel alone and outside in your situation, but in fact, there are many who have thought and felt as you. You are not alone.”

“Who should I talk with?”

“You can talk to a person who works in healthcare, or with someone you know. It is also possible to contact someone in a phone – or chattjour. There are people who are accustomed to listen and who can provide advice and support in how you can get ahead and start to feel better. You can be completely anonymous when you call.”

“for example, You can contact:”

“► the Helpline on telephone: 0771-22 00 60.n► Bris – Children’s right in society at the telephone 116 111n► helplines on the phone 08-702 16 80.n► on-Call priest is accessed via 112.n► Mind självmordslinjen on the telephone 901 01. Chat: the chat.mind.then, ”