Sometimes it takes a bit of time, until something Disagreeable disappears. Gone quickly, the Zürcher Verkehrsverbund (ZVV) and the Executive Council of the young infamous night Supplement want at once. This is the Economics Director of the Carmen Walker Späh (FDP) announced yesterday in a short press conference that was convened.

if everything goes according to Plan, the 5-franc contract for an average of 20’000 passengers per night by the end of 2021. Until now, the policy required that the ZVV runs the night-time network to cover costs. In a properly formulated Supplement to the ZVV strategy 2022-2025, the government sought to change this.

“night of power, is a grown-up”

the application Takes the political hurdles, the special status 19 years after the introduction of the ZVV night-time network in December 2002. Or as it is said, Carmen Walker Späh: “The night of power is a grown-up.” At the same time it is to continue to grow and meet the changing entertainment habits to adjust.

Economics Director, Carmen Walker Späh want to emphasize the “night five Liber”. Photo: Keystone

The new bus hub in the city of Zurich will no longer be the Bellevue, but the main train station, because today, more in circle 4 and 5 will be celebrated as before.

“In the nightlife district around Zurich’s Langstrasse, a new quarter-hour clock to be introduced,” said AFS Director Franz Kagerbauer. Next, you want to improve the connection of the two cities of Zurich and Winterthur and a new week, the whole of the night by a half hour to make sure.

ZVV-Director Franz Kagerbauer announces the Expansion of its night network. Photos: Keystone

in General, the Winterthur Region will benefit greatly from the Changes. “We have seen the most pent-up demand,” said Kagerbauer. In the city of new night bus routes at half-hourly intervals, are planned. In addition, there will be a new bus concept for regional lines from Winterthur.

The planned Expansion of the night network increases the annual costs by around CHF 2 million. This would be equal to a quarter of the city of Zurich, the city Winterthur, the half-hourly service between Zurich and Winterthur, as well as the Expansion in rural areas distribute, which is also the new regional lines from Winterthur are included Further, the ZVV decided to extend the Tagnetz, i.e., earlier start and later stop. “The detailed development of the concept takes place in the framework of the annual roadmap process, which is the participation of the population and the municipalities,” as the ZVV-Director.

policy welcomes projects

Including the planned expansion would cost the night network of 17 million Swiss francs a year. Because of the ZVV expects that the demand will increase by 30 percent, and in 2021 the route prices of the S-Bahn network to be reduced for the transport network to 5 million Swiss francs, he figures that these two factors can compensate for the loss of the night award.

– it disappears by the end of 2021, the night surcharge, but must still be terminated, the contract with the night-time surcharge rate of the network partners. Because the desired new feature is only for the ZVV network.

Between Zürich and Winterthur is there to be on week-ends throughout the half hour.

The parties have included yesterday’s announcement favorably. Red-Green is a welcome step, speaks of a penalty for Young, against which they defended themselves for years. The FDP provides the principle behind the plans, but the condition is: “The degree of Cost recovery of the ZVV must not fall.” The green liberals, however, fear that without the night surcharge, the scope diminishes for further Expansion of the night network. You also call for a night-time network-offer of the week – especially on Thursday. At the press conference, this was excluded from the ZVV categorically. The demand is too small, it was called.

it is Expected that the “night five Liber comes”, as Carmen Walker Späh called yesterday, in the spring in the cantonal Parliament. He will make for less of a splash than most recent of the infamous ship five Liber, the Director of public economy introduced first, then in spite of criticism, holding on to it – and then suddenly again quite quickly submerged.

Created: 29.10.2019, 22:27 PM