“No end in sight to populisternas success”

“When populist parties are of equal strength with the social democrat party and twice as large, as liberal parties is no longer possible to dismiss them as a temporary phenomenon that will soon blow over.”

“in view of the forthcoming EUROPEAN elections, it is only to note that the populisternas message become more and more attractive in the voters’ eyes at the same time that the established parties can’t find any countermeasures.”

“think Tank Timbros index of populism in Europe is not fun reading for those who believe in traditional western democracy.”

“Last time they voted in a national election, it was one of the four europeans, their voice in an authoritarian populistparti, according to the Timbros compilation where 33 countries in Europe have been examined. Today is the average support for populist parties, 22 per cent in these countries. “

“Over the past four years, the aid has increased by a third.n the opinion polls conducted for the EU elections in may shows that the support continues to increase.”

“contrary to what many may think is populism, rather than a sudden phenomenon that appeared with Donald Trump and brexit, a force that has gradually grown over the last 40 years. Before the 1980s were populist parties closest to an unknown phenomenon, dating from 1945 onwards.”

“Established ideologies such as conservatism, liberalism and socialism have all made painful losses. The worst is for the social democrats and liberal parties. In countries such as France, the Netherlands and Greece, the parties closest to wiping out. A historic shift.”

“today dominates the högerpopulismen but vänsterpopulister have made a comeback, particularly around the Mediterranean.”

“the Timing of when the established parties realized the threat have varied. But common to all countries is that the traditional parties tried to counter extrempartierna and stop the bleeding.”

“A number of methods have been tested but no motmedicin have been found. On the contrary, continues to populism to grow. Populist parties governing now in eleven countries in Europe. In a further four represent the allies.”

“Initially, you usually try a deathly silence about the populist challengers. When they are still growing is for you to attack and challenge their political agenda. Next last phase is usually to adapt their own policies in, for example, the issue of immigration to be as close to the populists as possible. The last phase is to swallow the bitter cup, and form a government together with extremistpartierna or to use them as to some extent due to which, for example, in Austria and Denmark.”

“Wash away the past”

“Populisternas own tactics to attract new voters is to try to wash away its dirty past. “

“the National Front in France changed last year name to the National Collection. It is also trying to distance itself from its traditional anti-semitism and fascism. The sweden democrats is one of the most clear examples of how a party sought to wash away their neo-nazi roots.”

“It is difficult to assess is whether it is a real conversion or just a way to hide a”

“Many voters do not seem to care. They are attracted by the strong leader and the black and white message with simple solutions to complex problems.”

“the Populist parties is increasing the fragmentation in the countries’ political systems. When they grow complicates the formation of stable majoritetsregeringar, especially without them.”

“We have just seen the effect in Sweden. We saw it in Germany in the autumn of 2017. Spain that goes to new elections in april are facing the same problem. None of the traditional blocks look to be able to get their own majority without the new right-wing populist party, Vox.”

“But if the populist parties grow and take power through democratic elections, then what is the problem?”

“Generally speaking, is their more or less explicit goals, from within, dismantling the democratic institutions and press freedom and to replace it by an absolute majority rule without protection of minorities. Where included, the political power also control the courts.”

“It is enough to study countries such as Hungary, Poland and Italy to see the direction in which the populists want to control the society.”

“the Indication is that more countries will go the same way. No one can say today where it will end.”