The american nurse Liz Smith had always dreamed to become a mother and start a family of his own.

She had tried several treatments, but nothing had been successful for her.

In 2016, there was, however, something that was to change her life forever.

Through her work, she met three months old Gisele, who had been transferred to the hospital in Massachusetts, where Liz Smith worked.

Gisele had been born prematurely by a mother who had been a drug addict, and the little girl suffered from major health problems. She weighed no more than a single kilo since she was born.

And the little girl had been well and truly abandoned. For several months she had no visitors, and no one was looking after the newborn baby.

the hospital staff took extra good care of the little girl, and one of the other nurses asked Liz Smith, whether she had met the lonely Gisele.

The she says in an interview with CNN.

I said: ‘no, why?’, and she told me that Gisele needed a ‘medical foster home’, and that she meant to me and my husband would be the perfect couple.

the Nurse had never considered to be foster care before, but when she saw Gisele, she knew immediately that she would like to be her mother.

Liz had long tried to get a family of his own, but was infertile. Photo: Private

And even though it took a long time to get Gisele home to the Smith family, it was all worth it.

– It was an emotional roller coaster. When I started to take care of her, the goal was, of course, that she would be reunited with his real parents. We thought the whole time that it could well become a reality, that I should not have her forever, but the moment I saw her, I knew that I had to give her all the love I could.

In the beginning had the right parents access times, where they saw their daughter, but they dwindled as quietly out.

I could sense that they expected to have the one or other day would be the parents, they would like to be. They were always very supportive and said that it was nice that she was so healthy, when they saw her.

the Court decided in June that the custody should go to Liz Smith.

” It was very bittersweet. I was really happy, but it was also a great sorrow for the other.

today is Gisele two years old and is living with his new family, where she, according to the adoptivmoderen thrive.

– She has it really good. She still gets food through a tube, but the doctors are really amazed at how well she is doing. They may not understand how much better she has gotten it. Her strength is truly inspiring ,and each day I am impressed by her.

I have never been happier or stronger, and I could not imagine my life without her.

today, live the family together and Gisele is fresh and happy. Photo: Private