as Harry Potter the films huge success and rolled millionerne into the account of the three young protagonists, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint.

In an interview with The Radio Times promises the latter a bit of the veil of his gigantic earnings, according to british media amounts to around 330 million.

– I know not actually, how many money I have. If you asked me to guess, I would not even be able to deliver a qualified bid, explains Rupert Grint, however, indicates that he has so much money, that it is not necessary to count them:

– I know that I am good in it. I am glad to have the money in the account, but I do not focus on it. Money motivates me not, but my fortune does, that I have peace of mind, ” explains the 30-year-old actor, who took a break from the film industry, since the Harry Potter films ended.

He explains in the interview that he took the break, because he felt that he had missed out on ‘an ordinary life’. Rupert Grint were 11 years old, when he became world famous for his role as Ron Weasley:

– I can’t really remember my life from before I was known. I think I lost myself somewhere along the way, explains Rupert Grint, who in recent years has had success with its involvement in several English tv series.