A broad-based Committee wants to pull the E-Voting in Switzerland for the time being, the plug-in. It looks at the current E-Voting systems as unreliable and non-transparent, and launched a people’s initiative for a Moratorium.

The popular initiative “For a secure and trusted democracy” requires that E-Voting is forbidden until it is at least as secure against Manipulation as the traditional hand-written vote at the ballot box. In particular, the main steps of the electronic voting should be able to be checked output by the Voters without any special skills.

in Addition, the genuine people’s will need to be identified. Also Recounts would have to be reliable. The Federal Assembly could lift the ban at the earliest, five years after its entry into force, as the initiators of the project said on Friday.

a danger to democracy

The initiators were concerned about the “carelessness”, with the trying, the electronic voting channel for elections and votes in Switzerland to introduce, said the President of the initiative Committee, the national Council Franz Grüter (SVP, LU), according to the speech text.

With E-Voting, only a few IT professionals knew about the counting of votes, in order for the System to be vulnerable. Grüter claimed that hackers have already uncovered vulnerabilities in E-Voting systems. This damage is the direct democracy-the Central trust of the Voters in the correct Counts.

Behind the desire for IT-affine “representatives of various political parties and groupings, such as the Digital society Switzerland, or the Chaos Computer Club,” according to the documents. As of mid-February you want to start officially with the signature collection.

The Federal Council wants to promote the use of electronic voting, however. In December, he opened the consultation process for the ordinary operation of the E-Voting. Currently E-Voting is offered in ten cantons. (hvw/sda)

Created: 25.01.2019, 10:14 PM