Forsamlingsforbuddet be raised on Monday to 50 persons from 10 persons. It is apparent from a notice from the Health and Ældreministeriet the night to Monday.
It was expected, since the government and the parties previously agreed to forsamlingsforbuddet would be raised to between 30 and 50 people from 8. June.
Forsamlingsforbuddet of ten people was introduced 17. march, after a hastestramning of epidemiloven was adopted in the Danish Parliament.
It allowed the minister of health to introduce forsamlingsforbud due to coronavirus via the notices. Since march is the ban has been extended several times.
on Friday put the government up to that all the sports facilities, which are not already covered by genåbningsplanen, also opens 8. June. This will be confirmed in the notice.
Here, it appears that all premises where activities sport and recreation activities, including amusement arcades, children’s playground and aquatic park, swimming pools and training centres open to the public.
It is not apparent from the notice, the guidelines of the facilities open during the. It is expected that the guidelines will be presented on Monday.
on Friday put the government up to, that there would be a number of exceptions, where even more people can be gathered than 50.
It included all events where the participants ‘essentially’ sit down, such as spectators at football matches. Here would forsamlingsforbuddet be up to 500 people.
This is nothing about in the executive order the night to Monday. According to the Health and Ældreministeriets the press office there will be more information Monday.
It appears not which of the parties other than the government which has concluded the agreement on forsamlingsforbuddet of 50 persons and the opening of the leisure and sports facilities.