In a court document, it is disclosed that Donald Trumps former valgkampsjef Paul Manafort should have continued to keep in touch with his former employee, Constantine Kilimnik while he worked for Trump in advance of the presidential election in 2016. The FBI believes Kilimnik has ties to Russia’s military intelligence service.

According to rettsdokumentet, which was partly made public on Thursday after a closed hearing Monday, says detective Andrew Weissmann that a meeting Manafort and Kilimnik had in august 2016, has a substance that goes “wider than what we thought”, and that “we believe there is a subject here”. He says the meeting is of great interest for etterforskningsteamet.

– This is, I think, in the core of the spesialetterforskeren investigating, ” says Weissmann, who works for the special investigator Robert Mueller, who leads the investigation.

Manafort and Kilimnik shall among others, have talked about Ukrainian politics on the meeting, which should have been held in New York city, but it is unclear what more the meeting was about. It, however, come up in the rettsdokumentet that also Rick Gates, Manaforts forretningsparter, participated in the meeting.

They should have taken a number of precautions in connection with the meeting, including to leave the place.

Previous valgkampsjef Paul Manafort is convicted of five cases of skattesvindel, two cases of banksvindel and to not to have entered a foreign bank account.