How much money to receive social assistance recipients? This question is argued in Switzerland violently. Because the cost of the social assistance system are rising steadily. In some cantons, will be discussed, therefore, a drastic reduction in the contributions of up to 30 percent.

In the year 2017, over 54’000 people between the ages of 50 and 65, on social assistance, 40 percent more than in 2011. These are often workers who are retired from the company and no longer employed. Besides the elderly, children, Divorced, and foreigners have to rely most often on social assistance.

The social assistance includes housing costs, the costs for basic medical care and basic needs, the spending for food, clothing, mobility and other covers. About 3 percent were dependent in recent years, the rate remained stable. However, because the population is growing, the number of recipients steadily. In the cantons of Aargau, Basel land and Berne efforts to reduce the basic needs to run.

Prior to that, the Swiss conference for social assistance (Skos) warns. To give against tax, you are given a analysis in order. This comes to the conclusion: the currently applicable basic needs sufficient just to secure a decent existence. Today a single person receives 986 francs per month or about 32 francs a day. The lowest-income 10 percent of Swiss households, according to the study, however, monthly 1082 francs per Person for essential goods and services.

“you can eat sufficient and healthy.”Felix Wolffers, Co-President Skos

The Skos keeps smears, therefore, not justifiable and irresponsible. “In the case of a reduction in the present basic needs of 8 per cent to 5 francs”, attributed to Felix Wolffers, Co-President of the Skos are in a family of four, per Person, per day, and 7 francs for food and beverages available, with a reduction of 30 per cent even. “You can eat sufficient and healthy.” Today, social assistance recipients less than 12 francs a day for food.

What is the output of the lump sum amount paid to basic needs, may decide on any of the supported Person. The Skos has calculated that social assistance recipients have to spend by far the most for food, drinks and tobacco products. More than a third of the total amount of 986 francs to be spent in the rule, with increasing household size, the proportion is even higher. Also for the transmission of messages (Internet, Radio, TV), as well as leisure, sports, entertainment, and education cost a lot. Also be underestimated, according to the study, the real cost of public transport, to the persons in the social assistance often are dependent, because they generally have no private car.

Many of the costs which must be funded from the basic needs, are not influenced, such as expenses for electricity, telephone, and the Radio – and TV-fees. Cuts have, therefore, disproportionately to the amounts available for food and clothing.

Inadequate clothing reinforced according to the Skos, the social exclusion and stigma. Lack of mobility and lack of Internet access are counterproductive to the job search. In addition, a greater risk of over-Indebtedness, the more difficult the exit from poverty and dependence on social assistance. To are not such as taxes, pay alimony, or to high Rents, debts covered by the social assistance budget.

“Sub-cuts, particularly the TV children suffer.”Therese Frösch, Co-President of the Skos

year-dependent, 30 percent of the Care in the meantime, mind. “Cuts to the TV, children suffer in particular,” warns, therefore, Therese Frösch, Co-President of the Skos. Because of financial restrictions could lead to longer term impairments and health problems, for example, as a result of an unhealthy diet.

to prevent this, recommends that the conference of cantonal Social Directors, social Directors by the beginning of 2020, an inflation-related adjustment on the 997 francs. Since 2013 has not changed the basic requirement, over the last 20 years, he was reduced even.

1998 was the reason in the social assistance for the first time as a lump sum to be defined and for a Single person household on 1110 francs. The lump sum was based on the expenditure of the poorest 20 percent of households. In 2003, an inflation adjustment was made to 1130 Swiss francs. Than two years later, introduced integration allowances (IZU) and the Income allowances (EVS), declined the basic needs but to 960 francs. Only the expenditure of the income have been weakest 10 per cent of households as the reference size used. In 2011 and 2013, there were two adjustments for inflation to the current 986 francs.

but This is still considerably less than the basic requirements in the supplementary benefits to the AHV/IV (1621 Swiss francs) or the enforcement of the legal minimum subsistence level (1200 francs). Nevertheless, some cantons want to reduce the basic needs in the social assistance again. In the Canton of Bern, the population of matches expected to be in may of 2019, a revision of the law, which provides for an 8-30 percent reduction. The Aargau Parliament has adopted two postulates that a 30-percent reduction, respectively, a coupling contributions and taxes to provide social assistance to AHV. And the Parliament of the Canton of Basel-Landschaft has also adopted a Motion that a reduction is envisaged in the social assistance to 30 percent.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 08.01.2019, 10:02 PM