Hungary’s Supreme court came to the conclusion that the government of the right-national, Minister-President of Viktor Orban have harmed with an opinion poll in 2017, the reputation of the Committee. Was affected the organization, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee.

in 2017, had been sent to Orban’s government by E-Mail a questionnaire to millions of households in the country in order to collect opinions about an alleged “Soros Plan” to the Europe-wide influx of refugees. In the opinion survey, it was said that the Hungarian-born US billionaire George Soros immigration promotes and refugee policy of manipulating.

in Addition, it was claimed that the Helsinki Committee put that criminally migrants impose a more lenient penalty as a Hungarian citizen. The Helsinki Committee was supported by Soros financially.

informed How the organization, instructed the court, the government, to publish an apology from both the media as well as on the government website. In addition, you must pay the organization a 2 million Forint, i.e. around 8000 Swiss francs, of compensation. A spokesman for the court confirmed the judgment, but did not provide any Details. The government announced at the request of the news Agency AFP, that they acknowledge the decision of the Supreme court. (nag/sda)

Created: 21.11.2019, 07:50 PM