“”Paradise hotel”-profile prosecuted for drug offenses”

“was Arrested at nightclub – had cocaine and amphetamine in the blood”

“”Paradise hotel”-the participant was thrown out of the nightclub, but later returned and were recovered by the police.”

“the Tests showed he had drugs in the blood – and are now being prosecuted-tv profile.”

“– It is not true, ” says the man to Nöjesbladet before he put the phone down.”

“the Man, who among other things starred in the reality show ”Paradise hotel”, is being prosecuted for minor drug offences after a night out in central Sweden last year.”

“Tv-the profile must have appeared drunk at a nightclub and of a police patrol had been asked to leave the premises. According to the indictment which is now pending returned the man to the nightclub a few hours later, but in new clothes.”

“Polispatrullen felt that he seemed under the influence and even recovered therefore dokusåpadeltagaren. A urine sample gave the ruling on a cocktail of cocaine, tramadol and amfetaminpreparatet MDMA.”

“According to the indictment, denying dokusåpaprofilen to the crime, and has, according to the indictment, said in police questioning:”

“– I myself have not put in me something. I think someone I was with put something in my glass. I have been with in the tv… There were a lot of people and I had my drink in the open.”

“When Nöjesbladet reach him over the phone to ask about the indictment, he says only:”

“Then he puts on the handset and does not respond when Nöjesbladet call back. “

“minor drug offences can result in fines or imprisonment not exceeding six months.”