Parents agreed to kill their daughters

the Parents saw no dignity in front of him. Therefore, they decided together to kill their two daughters and then take their own lives, showing the police investigation.

the Daughters of the led both of the chronic illness ME.

In January this year found police four dead people in a villa in Bournemouth, two adults and two children.

the preliminary Investigation now shows that the two parents in agreement killed his two daughters, telling police at a press conference. Even the mother and father were found dead in the villa.

– Both are therefore formal suspects in the case to jointly and in agreement to have killed his two daughters, says the investigating authority and the police inspector Stefan Svensson at a press conference.

Police were contacted by a man who was worried that he was not allowed contact with his colleague. Police were sent to the man’s home and could see through the window that a dead man was in there. In a bedroom lay a nedbäddad dead woman.

– Quite quickly find the patrol the two girls also, they were nedbäddade in their beds, ” says Stefan Svensson.

Police found a total of three left the letter in the house, a will, a goodbye or förklaringsbrev and a letter that touched on practical information.

In one of these letters, write the parents about the children’s illness, ME, chronic fatigue syndrome. \

the Police have found evidence that both parents were aware of what would happen, among other things, have the documents that were found in the home, carefully examined, explains the police inspector Stefan Svensson.

– None of the two adults have been misled to write on. We have found that the ink on the paper has been printed before the adults wrote their signatures, so there is no one who has written on a blank piece of paper, ” he says.

– It is also noted, through the collection of the parents ‘signatures on other places, that the signatures on the availability and förklaringsbrevet is authentic,” he says.

No trace of any other individual is on the documents, such as fingerprints, according to the police investigation. Although studies of mobile phones and computers shows that both parents were aware of what would happen.

the Daughters did not know

According to the information that parents leave, telling the family that they began to prepare the family’s end in the autumn of 2017. But nothing in the investigation suggests that the girls knew what would happen in advance.

“the Parents have been hard-pressed and all the focus has gone to the children’s illness,” says Stefan Svensson, who otherwise can’t comment on the parents ‘ mental status.

the Police have not been the main focus to investigate the municipality’s actions regarding the situation of the family, but no obvious mistakes have been made, according to the police.

” Of what has come to nothing, as I see it, in all cases, which will serve the municipality to the load.

the Girls were home-schooled, and none of the teachers who was in contact with the family saw any warning signs.

“We may relate to that sometimes, there are certain things that happen that are impossible to predict and prevent,” says Stefan Svensson.