In march 2018, DN wrote about a one in Nacka taken into care by the social services according to the LVU, the Law on the care of the young, after a doctor raised the alarm that the child suffered from hunger. According to the order gave the parents only, or to a large extent the baby fat and proteinfattig vegan diet, with the addition of fish, which the child refused to eat.

In a orosanmälan found a doctor that the child cool, but this is not taken seriously by the parents.

the social services ‘ decision on the tvångsomhändertagandet in several instances, but lost in all. Now prosecuted the parents for negligence for personal injury at Nacka district court.

With reference to the indictment, type in Nacka Värmdöposten to the child, among other things affected by the famine, and the viktstagnation and that one reason for this was that it exclusively or to a large extent, was vegan. The crime is considered gross because the risk-taking occurred consciously.

Aftonbladet state that the parents have indicated in interviews that they are not vegans, but that the child had difficulty eating. According to the mother turned the couple to several nutritionists for help. She also said in interviews that the child has never had a strict vegan diet.

the Pair made for the high-handedness of the kids because in september took back the child from the person who had custody of the child. Both parents deny the crime.