NEW YORK (Dagbladet): In the morning, it is six years since the heinous masseskytingen in elementary school Sandy Hook in Newtown in Connecticut. Adam Lanza (20) killed first her mother, who he lived with. Then he ran the eight kilometres to the elementary school where he himself had been a pupil as a child.

Inside the school, shot and killed him 20 small school children and six staff before he took his own life. The investigators concluded that Lanza had acted alone and never found any clear motives.

the Parents of Noah (6), the plaintiff radio host who refuses to believe in one of America’s worst skolemassakre

After five years in the courts and a decision in delstatshøyesteretten in Connecticut have the newspaper Hartford Courant finally won the back and got handed over 1.000 pages of documents that investigators seized in the Lanzas home after the killings.

Obsessed with violence and murder

the Documents, which extends over a period of 15 years, describes a boy who is already as a 3-year-old in the nursery had trouble to link the contact to other children because he struggled to learn to speak. Since he should have shown increasingly anti-social behaviour. He should have expressed a sense of contempt for other people, and been obsessed by people’s ability to commit violence and murder.

the Newspaper writes that both parents, teachers, counselors, and psychiatrist as problems to Lanza.

It is evident now, that not a single person completely understood the whole picture of what he was about to be, writes the Hartford Courant.

the Perpetrator, Adam Lanza (20) used the earplugs that muffled victims ‘ screams during the massacre at the elementary school Sandy Hook in the united STATES . Video: Department of Emergency Services, Scanpix Show more Show more Accusations of abuse

When the other children did not understand him as treåring he shall first have been frustrated and black with to turn, spit and cry. But quickly he should instead have stopped trying to communicate with the other children.

In the documents also claim Lanza that the doctors wronged her him “at least a dozen times” and that the parents knew about it. When he was in fifth grade, he wrote a screenplay that was about “the beautiful in a romantic relationship between a 10 year old boy and a 30 year old man”.

When he was a teenager he developed a strong aversion to certain types of clothing, sounds, and movements. This should have isolated Lanza further from peers who are dressed up and made sounds he is not tackled. Eventually he got home to his mother.

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In the documents, she expressed that it was good for the son because he “was much more relaxed at home”. Home Lanza, however, have spent most of the time is to lock himself inside his bedroom and deny the mother access. When he was 14 years old, he had mostly only contact with other dataspillere online. A psychiatrist warns in the documents that he is about to become a enstøing that is tied to the home.


Inside his room to Lanza, according to the documents, have spent endless of hours of playing violent computer games. At times, he gave also the expression of a very dark worldview to other players.

– I have incessant nothing but a sense of contempt for humanity. I have been desperate to feel something positive for someone my whole life, wrote Lanza to another player and continue:

– All are usually despicable people, and it created an aura of countless negative feelings in me. You were a respite from it. Early came on with several references to the mass murder in a way people usually don’t do. It appealed to me immediately.

So was James a skoleskytter: – In the 36 years I have been running from the past my Review Plus

On the computer to Lanza also found investigators a detailed overview of 400 mass murders all the way back to 1786.

– Disturbed life

– There is not one new surprising disclosure in the documents, but they reinforce the general impression of the forstyrrete the life he lived, which I think that can help psychiatrists, psychologists and researchers, ” says psychiatrist Harold Schwarz to the Associated Press.

He is a member of the committee in Connecticut that was appointed to make recommendations about mental health and safety after the Sandy Hook shootings.

Schwartz believes that Lanza wrote towards the end of his life suggest that he not decided to commit the shooting before a short time before he actually did it. On this, he may have struggled with anoreksia and but possible brain damage. He also emphasises that many who struggle with the same mental disorders as Lanza, not violent.

The unusual behavior does not explain the mass killing. We can speculate. I think he was the one who felt ektremt powerless, very awkward in the society, and it resulted in a lot of anger towards the community. This may have been his way to fight back against a culture he felt he was forced to, ” says psychologist Peter Langman, who has written books about skoleskyttere, to the AP.

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