The parents of Otto Warmbier, a student who is in 2017, after eighteen years of hard labor in a North Korean prison camp to life came, to keep dictator Kim Jong-un and his regime is still responsible for the death of your son. That they say in a statement, after president Trump yesterday declared that he is Kim “on his word,” believed, who was not aware of.
“Kim and his diabolical regime are responsible for the death of our son, Otto”, write Fred and Cindy Warmbier in an open letter. “Kim and his diabolical regime, are responsible for incredible atrocities and onmenselijkheden. No excuse or extensive accolade can change that.”
Read also “Contemptible”: criticism on Trump because he is Kim Jong-un defends in case of death American student
American president Donald Trump praised his “good friend” Kim Jong-un yesterday during the failed summit in Vietnam. Trump stated that Kim Jong-un had told him that he only afterwards, was notified about the status of Warmbier when, after eighteen years of captivity back to the US was sent. The 22-year-old student was blind, deaf, paralyzed and with severe brain damage repatriated. Six days after his return, he died. He was in January 2016 arrested because he was a propaganda poster to take home had to take after a studietrip in the country. He was fifteen years of hard labor convicted.
Kim Jong-un “was really a pity,” said Trump. “He was very well informed, but at a later date. He told me that he did not know, and I believe him on his word.”
Trump got for his statement that a lot of criticism from American politicians, both Democrats and his own Republican party. In his State of the Union of last year, which Otto Warmbiers parents were invited, was Trump still very sharp for Kim. He called the student when an example of the “horror” in North Korea. In december sentenced a federal court in the country to pay compensation of 501 million dollars.
after the announcement of Warmbiers parents continues to Trump insists that he is Kim Jong-un believes. He loves the North Korean regime is responsible, but not Kim personally. “The president is in agreement with the Warmbiers and hold North Korea responsible,” said his adviser Kellyanne Conway this afternoon on Fox News. Trump himself tweette later that he “doesn’t like error to be understood, certainly not around Otto Warmbier and his fantastic family”. “Of course I like North Korea responsible,” said Trump, who would be that the previous government under Barack Obama “has done nothing”.
….for Otto’s mistreatment and death. Most important, Otto Warmbier will not have died in vain. Otto and his family have become a tremendous symbol or strong passion and strength, which will last for many years into the future. I love Otto and think of him often!
Donald J. Trump(@ realDonaldTrump) link