This woman is not a Redneck. Ana Brnabic comes from a Serbian-Croatian family, she studied business administration in the USA and in the UK, she speaks English and Russian, she has worked for the U.S. Agency for international development (Usaid) and for a wind energy company. As Brnabic two years ago, the Serbian government became the boss, there was a lot of praise, especially from Western Europe. She was knowledgeable, open-minded, tolerant, and economic liberal, it was said.

in Addition, Brnabic is a self-confessed lesbian, and the first Prime Minister in the history of the Balkan country. A woman with such a life history, which is targeted in homophobic Serbia again and again, should reject discrimination, hate messages and inflammatory propaganda decided. Far from it.

If the Serbian politicians do not know more, talk to you about Kosovo.

last week, Ana Brnabic, appeared before the press to talk about the recent progress report of the EU Commission to the candidate country Serbia. She seemed quite helpless, because Brussels had given bad grades. Serbia is described as semiautoritär-ruled country, the most serious setbacks in the rule of law and freedom of expression are therefore.

So, Brnabic did not do what Serbian politicians almost always do, if you want to know more: you talk about Kosovo. Brnabic said that she was concerned about the situation in Kosovo, you have a fear of an escalation, and added: “We have to do it with people that literally come out of the forest.” Those rednecks would behave irrationally, Serbia, however, rational.

The arrogant and xenophobic Comments triggered strong reactions. The Kosovar foreign Ministry imposed an immediate entry ban against Brnabic. The head of state Hashim Thaci called on the EU to condemn “racist rhetoric” of the Serbian Prime Minister. For the EU to act immediately, but Brnabic appeared unimpressed: you have said the truth and will not apologize. However, you may have meant “only” the political leadership in Kosovo, not the whole people, Brnabic. With this so-called clarification, they couldn’t smooth out but the waves.

counter-campaign, with ridicule and humour

social media has been running for days, times mocking, at times humorous campaign by Kosovo-Albanians against the Serbian Prime Minister. Under the Hashtag #liter ally just merged from thewoods you post pictures from walks in the woods or in the Park, from Hiking tours in the Kosovar mountains and hammocks attached to the trees. Others responded to the Serbian head of government, with pictures of Rita Ora and Dua Lipa. The two world-famous female singer to come from the Kosovan capital, Pristina. On Twitter, images of mother Teresa, as well as the football Stars Granit Xhaka and Xherdan Shaqiri to circulate.

Liberal journalists in Belgrade, the reach, of course, not a large audience, referred to the statements of the head of government as a joke. Brnabic views of the Kosovo-Albanians down and look at them as riff-raff outside of civilization. The political scientist Isidora Stakic defendant in a sharp comment that Serbia is again the anti-Albanian Stereotypes and prejudices salon would be capable of. You quoted the Serbian doctor and a statesman, Vladan Djordjevic, in the 19th century. Century had claimed, not only among the Albanians there is “tailed people”.

The historian Vaso Cubrilovic wrote in the late 1930s at least two memoranda to the expulsion of the Albanians from Kosovo, This “rough, rugged and some child-rearing breed” had to disappear in Turkey. And a few years ago, the great Serbian writer Dobrica Cosic called for the ethnic division of Kosovo, because the Albanians “would have anthropological features”. The Serbian people, as Cosic, was “the most democratic, civil isatoris the highest and the most refined Balkan people”, therefore, he could not live with the tribal and barbaric people of the Albanians.

Even today, Serbian Minister and Belgrade riot leaves refer to the Albanians as “siptari”, a swear word like “Nigger” for Blacks in the United States. In this forest full of prejudices has lost, apparently, also Prime Minister, Ana Brnabic.

“the normalization of racism”

as Long as the politicians of this racist discourse are not adopted, there will be no normalization of relations between the Serbs and the Kosovo Albanians, but unfortunately, only a “normalisation of racism,” says the young researcher Isidora Stakic. The history is instrumentalised on both sides for political purposes, in textbooks for Serbian and kosovo-Albanian children, the war rages on, the media stir up prejudice.

Ana Brnabic, whose partner recently brought a son to the world, says in Interviews that she wanted to be a Technokratin who have to care for digitization and data-Highways of the country. But sometimes she lets the mask fall. Last autumn, it provoked the Bosnian Muslims with the statement that the massacre in Srebrenica was not a genocide. And now the “forest people” in Kosovo has had a turn. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 06.06.2019, 20:17 PM