Per Sandberg and Bahareh Letnes was in October, on a trip to Iran, where they had a series of meetings with the iranian business community.

When he came home had to Per Sandberg, who is subject to a strict karantenebestemmelser since he was fiskeriminister, explain about the visit towards the Karantenenemnda.

today came the conclusion.

Sandberg’s new career: – Very useful and interesting. Plus,

– Karantenenemnda has come that you have broken the decision on quarantine was imposed 20. september 2018, is called the decision from the Karantenenemnda, NRK was the first to mention.

After Karantenenemndas vision constitutes your attendance a clearly objectionable and culpable conduct, they may write on.

Get the warning

Per Sanberg is required to refrain from such activities in the remaining time of the quarantine. Breach get no økonmiske consequences for the moment, but the decision contains a clear warning to the Sandberg.

“Karantenenemnda do note that if you are participating in new meetings or seminars or the like in the quarantine, or involving yourself in matters that are the subject of saksforbudet in the period saksforbudet is valid, it will be able to be appropriate for Karantenenemnda to impose you an an administrative fine. Karantenenemnda can also make decisions about the order of cessation of activities which are in violation of the quarantine or saksforbudet, which can gjennomdrives with a fine “, writes the nemda.

a Six-month quarantine

When Per Sandberg resigned as fiskeriminister 13. august in the year he was of the government karantenenemnd imposed a six-month quarantine of the government’s karantenenemd.


“Karantenenemnda have decided that you are subject to six months quarantine in connection with your transition from the office as fiskeriminister in the ministry of Trade and ministry of fisheries to the creation of own engineering activities”.

Per Sandberg told the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet, who met him and his girlfriend on the trip, that he was confident that the meetings with representatives from different iranian industries was not in conflict with the decision of the committee.

– Now we are in Iran in order to probe the possible projects in the future. I have together with my girlfriend, Bahareh Letnes, had interesting and rewarding meetings. The starting point is to orient me about the situation for future trade between Iran and Norway, and become better known, ” said Per Sandberg.

the Way he defends Iran meetings for karantenenemnda – Lyttestadiet

Per Sandberg has explained to the committee he understands that they question the journey.

He bedyrer, however, that the meetings are not affected by the quarantine, he is imposed.

I have only been in the lyttestadiet, wrote Sandberg in her statement.

He defines the journey as a study tour where the meetings were only for that he would get the information, something he could have gained through books and documents.

Encounters with “Fiskarlaget”

In the letter, describes Sandberg that he has had meetings among others with the iranian edition of Fiskarlaget.

“I have had meetings with representatives from Health authorities/public management, organization for different næringsektorer in Iran, difficult to compare with Norwegian organisations, as this can be integrated organizations, but it can be equated with Fiskerlaget, the confederation of Norwegian enterprise. Also this is only in the purpose to learn the structures, maktinndeling and balance between authorities and organisations.”, writes Sandberg.

He also confirms to have met with Morteza Bank, as for Sandberg’s ” to “supreme leader of the trade policy” and referred to as the president’s advisor.

” come with more)

Hailed by one of Iran’s most powerful men