It is the word “blue” to argue the AfD and Frauke Petry. Now, Petry lost in court: As a brand you may not use “The blue party”. What are the changes on behalf of their party, but nothing.
Frauke Petry may not use “The blue party” as a brand. In the dispute with the AfD, the former spokeswoman of the party was subject to before the regional court Munich I. The of Petry as a trademark pending name will be declared “null and void”.
Name is not the same brand
Petry was in 2017, the AfD and had founded “The blue party”. The lettering for the Logo she wanted to let the German Patent – and trademark office to protect. However, at the time had requested the AfD to the authority to have the term “Blue” as the own brand to protect – two weeks before Petry. Now you must meet the requirement of the AfD is to delete your brand.
That Petry “can no longer use The blue party” as a brand, does not mean that you have to rename your party. According to the patent office for trademarks for a party are only important if you want to sell something, for example, T-Shirts. For the actual tasks of a party, not a brand.