“Police: Man jumped from the balcony after the rough abuse”
“Drama in the south of Stockholm”
“the Mission and negotiators were called to an apartment block where a menacing man shouted on the balcony – and jumped when the apartment was broken into.”
“According to information provided to Aftonbladet anträffades a woman knifed in the apartment.”
“– He shouted that he would take her life, ” says a witness.”
“the Police were called to the apartment in the south of Stockholm, at 12.08. Also the mission and a negotiator was alerted there.”
“– Then we got a call that a man was standing and yelling on a balcony. On the spot, the police have received information that he is suspected of aggravated assault. He is arrested but will be brought to the hospital because he himself jumped from the balcony, ” says Towe Hägg at the police command center.”
“A damaged woman anträffades in the apartment, and have been brought to the hospital by ambulance. “
“According to information provided to Aftonbladet, she had been knifed. Skadeläget reported to not be life-threatening for either the woman or the man who is suspected of aggravated assault.”
“”Shouted that he would take her life””
“A witness describes the event:”
” I heard a man scream, and see that there is someone on a balcony on the third floor. It was a negotiator, and many police officers, ” says the witness.”
“the Atmosphere was intimidating.”
“– He shouted that he would take her life, before he takes life by itself. “
“Distraktionsgranater used,”
“After a moment heard the sound of distraktionsgranater. “
“– the Force stormed the apartment itself. He hit well of panic and thinking as a last resort, he’ll jump from the balcony, ” says the witness.”
“the Police writes on their website that the mission is used distraktionsgranat in connection with that they got into the apartment, which by the environment may have been perceived as gunfire.”