the Birthday reception for dkk 400,000., wine-travel and serious harassment of tillidsfolk.

the whistleblower Lars Kreutzmann, who pointed out a number of scandalous conditions in the Academic A-box, has now even been terminated. And even though the dismissal may seem strange, he does not count on any help from the politicians at Christiansborg.

the Danish Agency for Labour market and Recruitment under the Danish ministry of employment has launched a tilsynsundersøgelse about the background of the dismissal of the former director in-a-box Michael Valentin.

But beskæftigelsesordførerne from the Social democrats, The social liberal party and the Danish people’s Party, will not immediately have the case with Lars Kreutzmann investigated. They all refer to that it must be dealt with internally in a box – and have, moreover, no comments to the termination.

Beskæftigelsesordfører in SF, Karsten Hønge, would, however, like to take the leaf from the mouth. He shakes his head over the entire course.

I’m absolutely flabbergasted over it. It seems like a completely hopeless staff and a very bad signal to send to others who would like to tell you about inflamed conditions, he says .

According to the Confederation of A-box, it was a unanimous board that made the decision about the termination, but otherwise a-box did not comment on the exact cause.

In the wake of criticism from Lars Kreutzmann decided a-box board of directors and chairman of the board Allan Luplau otherwise in december to establish a whistleblower scheme for the employees. It happened after a recommendation from a lawyer Morten Langer, who has been behind an internal investigation of the critical conditions in the a-box.

”(…). At the same time, suggests lawyer and partner Morten Langer, to the establishment of a whistleblower scheme in the Academic A-box, which can be an additional guarantor against, that there are things that must be assumed to be in conflict with a-box object and the law. We have in the board of directors decided that, with immediate effect, to introduce such a whistleblower scheme, says Allan Luplau.

But the scheme has apparently not helped Lars Kreutzmann and Karsten Hønge is not much for the:

– It is indeed a very unfortunate signal to send to others who want to say something, when the whistleblower who dared to tell about the dubious conditions, and subsequently gets a kick right in the crotch, he says.

– I can not just on the spur of the moment to say what we may do something political, but I really hope that his trade union will run this case all the way, he says.

the Extra Leaf has asked the minister for employment Troels Lund Poulsen (V) on the termination of the Lars Kreutzmann needs to be investigated further, but the ministry of employment, writes in an email:

– the minister of Employment has no comment until the ongoing tilsynsundersøgelse from the STAR is completed. It is the expectation that it will be completed in the month of January 2019.

Extra Magazine could be in september reveal that Michael Valentine had been fired as director of Academic A-box per 27. september.

After several weeks with articles about dubious transactions in the a-box and told the chairman of the board Allan Luplau out the 17. december that he will resign at an extraordinary repræsentantskabsmøde 4. January 2019. The two vice-presidents Janice Sillassen (Ingeniørforeningen) and Ole Helby (the Danish Association).

A box constituted director, Britt Dyg Haun, and secretary Line Verbik Byriel is the 17.december resigned with immediate effect after a mutual agreement with the board.

A-the box has even launched a legal inquiry. At the same time the Danish Agency for Labour market and Recruitment launched a tilsynsundersøgelse with the assistance of the Attorney general. This is not yet completed.

Ekstra Bladet has revealed that:

the internal survey bl.a. have referred to alleged harassment and bullying of tillidsfolk.

according to the whistleblower tried chairman of the board Allan Luplau to get hidden a case of serious harassment of union representatives in the a-box. At the same time, informs the whistleblower that Luplau provide a legal basis for Michael Valentin to tillidsfolk should be frozen out by giving them boring tasks.

– a-box has reported to the police, Michael Valentin, to have received kickbacks in the form of wine tours for the 40,000 crowns.

– a-box also has reported Michael Valentin to the police for letting a cashier and pay for food and serving at the director’s private events.

– Chairman of the a-box, Allan Luplau, was vinven with the fired director, and he has several times been sitting at the table during dinners in the director’s villa, where the a-box paid.

the now fired director has supported the Løkkefonden with 50,000 dollars in order to get access to Lars Løkke. It succeeded, as Lars Løkke came by Confederation of A-box in February 2015 for a one-hour meeting.

– Michael Valentin was their man. Combined, he has given friends from vinklubben orders for 2.6 million. kr. in the a-box. This applies to everything from counseling to art and podcasts.

– Michael Valentin got a checkout to rent the premises at Johan nielsen came high School for 250.000 dollars. The premises, however, were never used, and later came Michael Valentin on the school’s board of directors.

– a-box members paid for, Michael Valentin could get on a welnessophold in Spain to dkk 25,000, approved by the chairman of the board Allan Luplau.

– a-box members paid 400.000 crowns for Michael Valentine-hour front desk, when he was 50 years old in 2017.

believe that top management is ‘greasy’ in the case.

‘There is a fundamental need to get cleaned up in the senior management of a-checkout’, writes the whistleblower to the members of the a-box two top bodies – the board of directors and the 57 members of the board of governors.

As a result of the case have Michael Valentin also resigned the post of president of the people’s meeting on Bornholm. At the same time, he has lost five directorships in various companies.

Mysticism about English topdirektørs firing

Ceo fired after tip from employee

Internal emails: Fired fagboss mobbede tillidsfolk

Fired ceo withdraws as the public meeting-chairman

Fired fagboss on expensive wine tours: Now he reported to the police

Fired fagboss shoots again: The president is the ‘sovset ind’

Fagboss received the visit of the V-president: Gave 50,000 dkk. for Loop fund

Confidential documents: Fagboss got the feast for dkk 400,000.

the Loop required answers: Fagboss gave 50,000 and had a meeting

Fired fagboss bought wine for 250,000 a year

the Whistleblower in skandaleramt a-box: the Entire top management is greasy

the fraud squad on the fired director in the confidential document: the ‘Serious cases’

Overturned in the wine for dinners in a-box: Up to 300 crowns per. bottle

A-box crisis-closes after the director-firing: job Seekers must go in vain

Harvested fagboss: Here is the new friends he helped

New disclosure: Fagboss paid for empty rooms

Fagboss stepping up the birthday-war on the 400.000 kroner

Valentin and the a-kasseformand: Real tycoon friends

the Members paid: The president sent Valentin on wellness trip

Fired director gave wine-friends orders for 2.6 million. kr: the President sat at the table

the A-box joins the fired director to the police for dinners

Valentin rejects everything: Here are the receipts

a New crisis meeting in skandaleramt a-box: the Chair wobbles under the president

During the crisis meeting in a box: Skandaleramt chairman and two directors withdraws

the Ad reveals the president: Invited to svinedyr-hour front desk

the Whistleblower: Tycoon-president would hide the harassment of tillidsfolk