The place was not chosen randomly. US-foreign Minister Mike Pompeo spoke on Thursday at the American University in Cairo about the middle East policy of the United States. A “Symbol of friendship” between the two countries, he said – but especially the place of the President Barack Obama in June 2009 in his Cairo speech, had kept.

For a “new beginning” in relations between the United States and the Muslim world, Obama campaigned at the time; he saw the relationship as a disturbed, primarily due to the US Invasion in Iraq under his predecessor George W. Bush. Pompeos versions now were a reckoning with the “misguided” and “reluctant” policies of Obama, he is just as “Americans”, which has been termed both for the ascent of Iran, as well as the IS-terrorist militia in the responsibility.

In just 24 months ago the US had taken “their traditional role as a force for Good in the Region,” said Pompeo. For too long the “long-standing friend of America, was absent,” he cried, as I withdraw President Donald Trump the Region in a state of anxiety mixed with the announcement that the US troops out of Syria.

confrontation with Tehran

The threat posed by radical Islam has been grossly underestimated “gross,” criticized Pompeo and used a ideologically occupied, and in the Arab world is a highly contentious term. The Arab States need to make greater efforts, he urged. Obama had tried to discredit namely extremism, but not Islam itself.

As the core of the speech and middle East policy under Trump stabbed once more, the confrontation with Tehran. For too long we have “willingly closed their eyes in front of the malicious activities of Iran”. The Arab States would never enjoy security and prosperity, “if the Regime of Iran continues its current course”. Now is the time for a real fresh start, he said.

USA had no “okkupier the end of power”

It was only natural that America build alliances, he added, the Gulf States will, after Trumps desire, together with Egypt and Jordan against Iran – these countries, and the Iraq Pompeos visit program. But not the US manages to overcome the strife in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt with Qatar.

unlike Iran, the United States is not a “okkupier the end of power”, but in a discharge end, said Pompeo, of all things, the “liberation of Iraq from Saddam Hussein” as evidence to cite, which is in the Region widely considered to be the original sin of the U.S. policy and the cause of the instability.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 10.01.2019, 22:00 PM