Pope Francis has dealt with politicians that migrants as a scapegoat. “The political discourse is that migrants of all evil accuses and all of them hope to deprive, it is unacceptable”, said the pope in his traditional message of peace today in Rome.

The man is currently living in a “climate of mistrust” that in the terror for others, or strangers, “in the fear of the loss of the private benefit is rooted,” says the religious potentate. “Shielding” and “nationalism” are a danger for world peace.

Read also the United Nations with an overwhelming majority Vluchtelingenpact

In place of the shock for migrants to stir up, it should be emphasized that peace is rest “on respect for each person regardless of his origin, and with respect for the law and the general well-being,” said pope Francis. “In addition to the virtues prevail in the politics is also a lot of vices, that are due to both the inadequacy of the person as the subject of abuses in the institutions”. the

Last weekend, said the pope his support to the migratiepact of the United Nations. “May this pact contribute to the international community with responsibility, solidarity and compassion will ensure that people who, for various reasons, their country have to leave”, said the pope during the Sunday angeluspreek. The pope, who was a son of Italians to Argentina uitweken, it has been more frequently recorded for migrants and their rights.