A prevailing hypothesis, both among the public and certain researchers about porn is the so-called slippery slope effect, where pornoforbrugeren need more and more extreme porn because he will become ‘immunized’ and therefore must have it harder and hårdede to be satisfied.

Which should mean that we all end up with to see skidevoldsgangbangs. But we do not.

So a couple of Croatian sociologists have tried to of – or confirm the glidebaneeffekten (as less idiomatic is called Content Progression Thesis).

248 young men participated. Five times over the two years required to complete the online questionnaires on their pornoforbrug. Most were 16, since the flow began.

They, for example, was asked the following: ‘How often have you seen porn of the past six months?’ to which they could answer anything from ‘never’ to ‘several times a day.’

to know the young people’s preferences for violent porn, they were asked about this:

‘Shows the kind of porn you tend to see a person who seems to be pressured or forced to do something, or a person who suffers or is in pain?’

It will say that the study does not look at bizarre porn or gangbangs where the participants seem happy to be there. It’s all about coercion and/or pain.

Some ingenious analyses later came the scientists, that there was NOT an increased consumption of violent porn over time. In fact, it declined over the two years: From being on the screen among the 8.1 percent in the beginning to see the be seen of 4.6 percent at the end of the two-year period.

The general pornoforbrug increased marginally among teenagedrengene, but in no way significant. It also appears that the high consumption are typically also linked to a more mixed content in the pornoen.

Thus is the conclusion of the study, that the slippery slope effect does not apply – at least not in relation to the investigated Croatian teenagedrenges consumption of violent porn.

There are certain challenges posed by the study, such that it rests on self-report, and to participants over time may even have changed their definition and perception of ‘violent’ porn – yet this is the study to support the results of another study from last year, where you indholdsanalyserede 269 of the most popular (the most viewed and best rated) movie on the world’s largest sexsite ponhub.com from 2008 to 2016.

Here concluded the researchers the following: In the course of the decade, there is not an increased incidence of aggression in pornofilmene. They even found that there was a significantly shorter time in the films, which contained aggression. The researchers also saw a general decrease in the number of videos that contain non-samtykkkende aggression, and titles that point to aggression.

the Researchers could see that it was less likely that the videos that contained aggression, especially non-consenting aggression, was seen more than the videos without the aggression, as it was also less likely that the violent film was ratet high by the users.

Also last year published a study by Danish researchers, which is partially buster glidebaneeffekt-the theory that pornobrugerne must have it hard and harder to be satisfied. The study, which looked at adults kroateres pornobrug, concludes that ‘our results support not slippery slope-effect hypothesis, because the sexual arousal of the non-mainstream-porn is NOT excluded by the arousal of mainstream porn.’

in other words: People like extreme porn, was still aroused by regular porn.

A completely new study of american sex offenders indicate that there is not a correlation between pornobrug and abuse. The researchers analyzed 21 previous studies on the area and came forward to overbrebsmænd report less pornoforbrug than the average, AND when overgrebsmanden have used porn, it meant NOT that he was more tough than for his victim.