It has been quiet from the singer and the musician Povl Dissing, since he in February 2017 fell on in Spain and struck his head severely.

The now 82-year-old singer sustained a fractured skull by the fall. At the same time he lost his hearing completely.

in addition to the voice is hearing totally indispensable for a singer, and after an operation, Povl Dissing, now hear again. It gives hope for a comeback, he told earlier in the week in the ‘Go aften Danmark’ on TV2.

Here it emerged that the musician has received an a so-called cochlear implant. It means that he can hear again by electronic means

– In the beginning the sound was very distorted, and some sounds were unbearable. But still it was a miracle when I could hear again, told the singer, Povl Dissing, who in the first long time after the fall had to communicate by typing, together with its nearest.

In connection with the operation and got visesangeren implanted an implant with 21 electrodes directly into the skull. This meant that there was created an artificial hearing as Dissing still working to get used to. At the same time, he is working also to train his voice up. And it takes time, he told in the program. But the dream to return to the stage holding him to the fire.

– It is my greatest hope. I can come to sing and to speak with other people, as I did before, he said, according to

Poul Dissing was in Spain to record a flamenco album, which he had long looked forward to, when he one night fell down and was badly injured.