earthquakes in the Berlin policy on Friday morning: According to daily mirror information the CDU will have to pull the Head, Monika Grütters of the battle for Berlin chair back. The RBB had first reported that Grütters’ll announce the renunciation of their re-candidature in the afternoon. At a press conference Grütters confirmed in the afternoon the waiver of their candidature – on the side of your Challenger, Kai Wegner. Both stressed their good and constructive cooperation in preparing for this decision.

the preparations for The election Commission, which prepared the staff of the tableau, to the acting Secretary-General and Grütters-guide Trusted Stefan Evers. This was following Kai Wegner 2016 in the office of the Secretary-General.

This should have the path be free for Kai Wegner from Spandau wants the Job as CDU chief and a vote at the party Congress in mid-may provoked. From the environment Wegner’s the message wanted to comment in the morning, no one.

From the environment of Grütters stated that she wanted to spare an ordeal. You have to be at that time in the duty and not stopping at the office. All of the people Involved have been clear, what for a style of politics Grütters and what you can afford in addition to their main office as Minister of state for culture. The current debate is typical of the (West) Berlin CDU. In Modern times the party had not yet arrived.

daily mirror people


Falko Liecke, CDU-circle-in-chief of Neukölln, order Grütters’ retreat welcomes: “I don’t think it’s good that it comes in the party to the ordeal, I can but imagine a democratic debate,” he said to the daily mirror. Regional conferences Liecke but would be useful to involve the members in the substantive discussion about the direction of the Berlin CDU.


“I hope that there is a joint approach between the party leadership, group and the or the top candidate,” said Christian Gräff, assessor in the national Board of Directors. “This Senate can and must rather be today replaced with as in the morning. To do this, we need concepts and minds. All directions and districts, the East and the West in the party. The city society expects us to be. I hope that is clear to all Concerned“

A spokeswoman for Burkard Dreggers informed that the group would not comment on the chief at the present time, because it was this question primarily a party matter. Hildegard Bentele, group, colleague, Dreggers and CDU top candidate for the EU election on may 26. In may, tweeted: “So, the leadership question for the first time been clarified. Now we need to show all together that we can win elections.”
“It is good that Monika Grütters, and Kai Wegner agreed and a solution for the future installation of the CDU in Berlin have found,” by Jan-Marco Luczak. He is Chairman of the Berlin regional group of the CDU group in the Bundestag. It was “overdue”. It was important that her audience take continue to have a prominent role in the party.

The candidacy of Wegner’s for the national Board of Directors welcomes Luczak. “He’s not doing this out of a sense of duty, but because he burns for this city and for our party.” Wegner, the Berlin CDU will “as a liberal and cosmopolitan big-city party place, but at the same time their roots consciously and consistently for social and internal security and an ideology-free politics”. This is the best condition to be in the hands of 2021 successfully.

Carsten Spallek, such as Wegner, one of the four Vice-Chairman of the CDU at the country level, does not want to comment on the content of the retreat of Grütters. He expects that the personnel will be discussed in the afternoon in the Bureau – he is very excited. Another member of the land Executive Committee was “a bit disappointed” that Grütters a fight candidacy. The decision to have a bit of a “Pinch-attitude”.

Also from the other parties to the Berlin policy, there are already first reactions: “Ms. Grütters I’m sorry, personally, that it was superseded by the old men in collars,” said Sebastian keys castle, Left. “Two questions I have: How long Burkard Dregger remains Chairman of the group? And: Why is always spoken of a power struggle? The CDU has Power, nor a Power-perspective”

read more about the CDU debate in the daily mirror

“is Selected, the who has done the best non-fiction work,” Kai Wegner had his Chance, Katrin Schultze-Berndt, also a Deputy of the Berlin CDU. She praises Monika Grütters for her work. Here is the daily mirror-Text.

Monika Grütters taunts against Wegner: incumbent Grütters Wegner’s approach, at the announcement of his candidacy unusual. The choice of mode, both of which are, however, divided. Here is the daily mirror-Text.

– daily mirror comment: “How can Kai out of the box.” Riot of garden gnomes: Kai Wegner, a challenge to Berlin’s CDU-Chef Monika Grütters. That helps no one, not even Wegner himself. A Daily Mirror Comment.

Frank Steffel sees the Berlin CDU in front of the “existence question”. After the candidacy of Kai Wegner for the CDU chairmanship of the party. Open is, who decides at the end. Sharp criticism expressed by Frank Steffel. Here is the daily mirror-Text.

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dispute with the Berlin CDU Chairman “is Elected, who has done the best work”

Robert Kiesel

– a saw rmeister! Kai Wegner, of new Berlin CDU wants to be a Chef. Politically prominent, he has done so far, but it seems to only Prevent the other person is alien. Here is the column by Harald Martenstein in der Tagesspiegel.