Five days after their only televised debate, Eric Ciotti, Bruno Retailleau and Aurélien Pradié are expected by the National Council of LR – a sort of party parliament – ​​to present, from 10 a.m., their programs to the delegates and answer their questions. .

“It’s an important moment because the national advisers come to the headquarters, they will physically meet the candidates whom they will see all three at the same time”, explains Annie Genevard, the president of LR. About 400 people are expected.

This “ultimate photograph before the vote” undoubtedly carries “a less stressful issue than a televised debate, but there is one because it can remove hesitations, guide the choice…”, adds Ms. Genevard, who ensures the transition since the departure of Christian Jacob.

Each will have 45 minutes to divide between speeches and questions and answers. Prior to the council, the party claims to have received a hundred questions, many of which relate to themes dear to the right: security, immigration and purchasing power.

But “many concern the organization of the party” and in particular the method of appointing the presidential candidate. Last year, Valérie Pécresse was appointed in December, four months before the first round where she only won 4.8% of the vote, and many see the calendar as one of the reasons for the failure.

Many questions received also reflect the concern of activists: how to restructure the party? give the floor to the members? how to win the media match against RN and Nupes?

In this election the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes Eric Ciotti, whose campaign is hit by a preliminary investigation by the national financial prosecutor’s office into the multiple jobs of his ex-wife, passes for the favorite with a very firm speech on immigration and security.

But the boss of the senators LR Bruno Retailleau, entered the race with the argument of the rally, also put a lot of emphasis on the sovereign.

The deputy of Lot Aurélien Pradié, secretary general of LR, is a challenger on a line of social right.

The three candidates will multiply the movements in the last straight line. Eric Ciotti, with the support of Laurent Wauquiez, as well as Aurélien Pradié will be in Provins on Tuesday, at the invitation of Christian Jacob.

For this election, around 91,000 LR members are invited to vote electronically, with a first round on the weekend of December 3 and a second the following if necessary.