Six years after the horse meat scandal, a Paris court has sentenced four Managers. They had spent all horse meat as beef, which was sold in Germany and other countries.

A Paris court has convicted after the scandal of horse meat in lasagna four Managers to prison sentences. They had spent more than 500 tonnes of horse meat as beef, and in Germany and other countries brought to the market.

detention for consumer deception

Two years in prison the verdict for the Dutch merchant Johannes chamfers, who had organized the Scam is. The former head of the French meat processing company Spanghero, Jacques Poujol, must be imprisoned for six months. The men were convicted of consumer fraud.

The ready-made meals such as Lasagne, sold in many countries – also in Germany.

Spanghero, based in southwestern France in 2012 and 2013, have knowingly than beef labelled horse meat sold. Among the recipients of the manufacturer Comigel in Metz, the meat prepared products like for example lasagna. The ready meals were sold in many countries. The scandal of lasagna, goulash, and other finished products flew on 2013.


The Paris criminal court stayed the judgment is significantly below the demand of the public Prosecutor’s office. This had to chamfer four years in prison for the Dutchman, and a year in prison for the French Poujol required. Two other defendants were released on parole.