It was just before 07: 00 that the rescue service was alerted about a fire in a radhuslänga in Viksjö Järfälla, northwest of Stockholm. When the emergency services arrived at the scene had all the accommodations taken out on his own, which a person was taken to the hospital for control.
In the wing are a total of seven apartments and the upper floor has received extensive fire damage. The emergency services were quickly on the spot and prevented the fire spread to the adjacent house.
shortly after 10 o’clock had large parts of the area have been blocked off. Several residents in the area had come to get a situational awareness, while the majority of polispatruller, and up to 20 firefighters worked at the site. Viksjö church shall, according to the smc, have also opened their facilities for the affected.
Luke and Cecilia Rösmark. Photo: Magnus Hallgren
One of the residents DN talked with Cecilia Rösmark. She was on the way to work and found themselves in the parking lot when she saw that the small to from the property.
” It said poof, poof, poof and I heard a woman screaming. I was afraid that it would spread so I ran into the house and woke up my son. He had to run out in was later included in his. It was a pretty scary event, ” she says.
the smc on the ssbf and told me that they saw a black column of smoke rise up from the scene of the fire when they arrived.
There was a heavy fire in the apartments and on the roof to radhuslängan. Now, we shall let the roof burn, then lift away the top plate and extinguish it last. When that is done, shall we take out any personal belongings, said Magnus Andersson earlier on Monday.
It is currently unclear what caused the fire, but the police stated that a notice of allmänfarlig negligence has been established.
was the fire extinguished and the emergency services had left over to tenant-owner associations.
” You have to expect that it will smolder if the design few days. The area will also continue to be cordoned off to keep out unauthorized persons. During the day we also had a kranbil in place which has removed the roof, ” says Hans Eriksson, ledningsoperatör at ssbf.