To celebrate christmas in a bar is sad. At least that is what I have convinced myself all these years. In spite of it I paint the lips red and moving me towards the Rådmansgatan when midnight is approaching.

In the Vasastan, it is the song that puts its stamp on christmas. Instead of playing Silent Night brölar Metallica out their notes on one of the Key big nightclubs. It smells of cigarettes from the outdoor area. Three girls with tuperat hair cast a glance towards the men with the dark cars outside the fence. Svarttaxichaufförerna looks to freeze when they huddle together in the jackets. It has probably been short of customers during the evening.

is on top to rub something in me. I discredit christmas eve by sitting in a seedy bar in Stockholm. In the usual case, I’m going to go home after familjefirandet, but this year there was something that drew me to the song.

once inside the pub there is no sign of it for less than an hour ago was christmas eve. The dance floor is packed and it is not possible to get up to the bar. Along the dozens of tables filling the venue, it is mainly men who are here.

Instantly, I begin to wonder why they are alone and without family. On the other hand need a man not be alone to celebrate christmas on the dance floor. There is a freedom to avoid about the christmas stress and be able to listen to whatever music you want. Or what do you think?

Raffaella Lindstrom is a reporter at Today’s News and hate Metallica. But on christmas eve, suits the band surprisingly well.