September is a month that remembers the Passion days. It is the time when the Brotherhoods of the Santisimo Cristo de la Salud or the Virgen de las Annugias are remembered. The Brotherhood of the San Juan neighborhood was the first to commemorate the owner’s crops. Due to the exceptional situation, the activities were changed and the procession through the streets was cancelled. The image of Christ of Health received the enthusiasm of its devotees. On Thursday, the traditional route around the Church was started. The traditional exaltation was held on Friday. On Friday, the alternative act was presented. It narrates the history of Brotherhood and tells curious facts about the Church, band, or life of this group.
Local historians and other people connected to the Brotherhood created a compilation of key moments from its history. This year, the Brotherhood of Christ of Health is celebrating the 80th anniversary of its new image’s arrival.
The bells of the Abbey Church of the Fortress of La Mota responded to the Angelus as usual. On Saturday, the rockets announced the festivity to the Alcala people. The Brotherhood hosted its traditional welcome mass and made offerings to its promoters. The Cristo de Salud now has 28 brothers, making it the second largest town organization after the Patron Saint.
Sunday was the main day of the San Juan weekend. The Solemn Religion Function was held at the Church of San Juan at 11:00 AM. After the procession, a Solemn Profession of Faith was conducted consisting of the ratification of devotion to Christ of Health by Brothers, devotees, and a Solemn Prayer of Faith.
The Brotherhood decided to not charge advertising fees because it was an unusual year due to the pandemic. As a gesture of support to local businesses who collaborate with them, the donations will be donated to Caritas, which helps the most vulnerable. The Brotherhood invited neighbors to contribute non-perishable food in place of traditional floral offerings.
The Brotherhood of Cristo de la Salud could not perform its penance season this year, as did the rest of the townspeople, but they had prepared some premieres, including the skirts of the passage. They were embroidered by Brother Pedro Galvez, and are displayed in the church during these days, so everyone who comes up to the temple can view them.
The Brotherhood’s traditional General Meeting is held in the Church of San Juan on September 29. It coincides with the Day of San Miguel.