on Tuesday, announced the Region of Stockholm to a person in the Stockholm area fell ill of the measles.

Ella Bohlin (KD) is vårdutvecklingsregionsråd in the Region of Stockholm, and says that more must be done to increase information about the importance of vaccines.

” I am very, very concerned about, it almost feels like it repeats itself and that we note mässlingsfall now and then.

in the Region of Stockholm is located in the latest poll of over 96 per cent for children two years of age.

” We have an excellent health care and reaches almost 100 percent of all through the. But we have seen the last few years that there are groups who do not want to vaccinate their children and that, in particular social media, to find like-minded and have their theories confirmed.

Ella Bohlin says that the region has projects with which they tried to reach these groups, including through home visits.

” We have had what we call Rinkebyprojektet, where social services and the region’s paediatric health care makes house calls. Now there are more municipalities involved. We can see that vaccinationsgraden has increased in the areas that received home visits.

increased vaccinationsgraden from 71 to 86 per cent in the areas that participated in the project, according to the region’s report. Now can all the child health clinics, which meet certain criteria, may apply to participate in projects with home visits. The number of child health clinics which been granted to work with this so far is eleven in the Stockholm Region.

Last year, the government gave Folkhälsomyndigheten in the mission to strengthen the work of information about vaccinations. Ella Bohlin think, however, that more measures should be taken at the national level. Among other things, she wants to government calls to representatives of Facebook, Twitter and Google to talk about how to be able to come to terms with antivaccinationsbudskapen.

– In February took US away the possibility to search on the antivaccinationstrådar on Pinterest. It is a radical proposition that you must weigh against the freedoms and rights on the network, but it is worth talking about how you can take responsibility for vaccinationsmotståndet should not gain a foothold and spread.

you also should look at how other countries, such as Australia, have chosen to act. Where can kindergartens which takes in unvaccinated children get a fine.

– currently, it is very far from how we treat it, but I think that Australia deserves to stand as an example. Where have you put the burden of proof on the nursery.

” I can’t the legislation in detail, but I can conclude that we have a mässlingsfall in Stockholm now and have had several in the past. Then I think one should look at other countries.

She also think that you should look over the fact that mässlingsvaccination in Sweden is voluntary.

– If one of the parents not want to vaccinate it will be so.

is also concerned by the world health organisation’s report on how measles is spread. During the last year died, 72 people in Europe died from complications of measles.

– Vaccinationsmotståndet one of the greatest threats to global health, ” says Ella Bohlin.

on infectious disease control in Stockholm, said that the reason why there will not be any major outbreak of measles in Sweden is the high vaccinationsgraden. According to him, need the fact that a person ill with measles do not have to do with the active vaccinationsmotstånd, but there may be many explanations for the sporadic cases.

In Europe is now underway outbreaks in several countries why the trips are at an increased smittrisk and possibly be able to bring the measles home. Therefore, before a regular trip abroad to see over their protection. It is it we press on right now, ” he says.

Read more: ”Too many children are unvaccinated”