ships, The children and their mothers to the Rescue from Malta wants to take out Italy – but what of the other survivors, is unclear. Deputies of the Bundestag have taken on Board a picture.

With two ships, the supply of goods. However, the 32 refugees on Board the Sea-Watch 3 remain below Deck. You are not only suffering from the seasickness, but also uncertainty, after more than two weeks on the sea. A ship comes, you could always bring bad news. Frank Dörner, doctor on Board, describes the Situation:

“You have to imagine that the people weeks, months, some even longer. Often what they have experienced or what has happened to others in this way, traumatized by it. And now again in a Situation that is highly traumatic, where you can’t clearly tell you how it goes.”

German municipalities ready to record

A Migrant has already gone overboard and tried to swim to Malta, you can see it from here. But the distance is too large, the Wind and the waves too strong – and so he had to be saved once, as at 22. December, in the middle of the Mediterranean sea.

With the supply of a couple of journalists came ships and also politicians of the German Bundestag, for example, Erhard Basis of the Green. He sees a responsibility for this impasse, and also in Germany. He was there to appeal to the Minister of the interior, “Horst Seehofer, because to him it depends now, to help these people here. Germany could take. There are plenty of municipalities, 30 in number, have declared themselves ready”, so Basic.

distribution must automatism be

Italy and Malta, keep your ports tight, put on escalation, and we expect that Europe is moving. With solidarity it is in Europe, but also in refugee issues these days, not far. Therefore, Frank Schwabe, member of the German Bundestag, the SPD relies on fixed rules. During the rescue, a clear key was needed: “If the people in Italy, in Spain, to land in Malta, then it must be clear how many of those are brought in which countries. And that has to be an automatism, which must now be tested.”

To get the 32 migrants aboard the Sea Watch 3 more 17, the wait for a rescue ship of the Regensburger organization Sea-Eye on a safe Harbor. And you will not remain the only ones. Again and again the refugee car boats in bad weather from the coast of Libya on the dangerous sea route to Europe.

“Situation is morally unacceptable”

the crew of The Sea Watch 3 finds it shameful, a scandal that it could ever get this far, Sophie says Scheytt. The current Situation is neither legally nor politically, and morally unacceptable. “We have women on Board, we have children on Board, we have a one year old Baby on Board”, so Scheytt.

Italy has declared that it is now at least willing to let the women and children in the country. In the case of all other migrants seem to have struggled to continue the distribution. A solution could emerge in the coming hours. Soon, however, sure of the next migrants to be rescued, in need of a safe haven.