How could young people, many of them not previously punished, get våpentrening and take with a smartphone, knife and kalasjnikov out on the battlefield and commit atrocities so cruel that it is difficult to see them for themselves?

The questions have terroreksperter and security services the world over tried to find an answer. Now believe british scientists to have come at least a small step closer to an explanation.

There are researchers from University College London who has participated in a research project where they have tried to examine the brains of potential jihadists, report The Guardian.

TERROREKSPERT: Professor Tore Bjørgo at the University of Oslo have read about the new study. – I think it is likely that what they find in this study flaps with some of the main types of terrorists, and less with others, ” he says to Dagbladet. Photo: Torbjørn Katborg Grønning / Dagbladet View more Used ball

the Researchers used nevrovitenskapelig method to see how the brains of radikaliserte young people responded to be socially excluded. They believe that the findings show that social exclusion is a prominent factor in how the violent jihadists are created.

the Researchers managed to track down the 535 young, radical male muslims in and around Barcelona – the Spanish metropolis where the IS-supporters in 2017 that killed 13 and injured 100 on the main street Las Ramblas.

38 second-generation immigrants from Morocco, who had all expressed an acceptance and willingness to participate in or facilitate jihadistisk violence, went on to get their brains examined. The results of the scan showed obvious changes when they were socially exclude by the spaniards while they played the “Cyberball” – a PC-ball games the other players without forsvarsel refuses to give one of the participants to the ball.

When studiepersonene felt excluded, they were, for example, far more likely to support islamist teaching in the school or in the unlimited construction of mosques.

They stayed just metres from each other. This is “the terror of the neighborhood” in Ripoll Dagbladet Plus – answers

Researcher Nafees Hamid at University College London, who participated in the study, says The Guardian that the new discoveries add death what he perceives as a fundamental idea among western governments – that a combination of poor circumstances, religious konvervatisme and psychological problems are main causes of jihadistisk radicalization.

This retirement such false ideas once and for all, ” says Hamid to The Guardian.

– This is the first nevrovitenskapelige the study of a radicalized studiegruppe ever. Our findings suggest that the extreme behavior that will strengthen the band’s existence, clearly intensified by social exclusion.

Tore Bjørgo, professor at the Center for ekstremismeforskning at the University of Oslo, have read the findings of the british researchers.

– There is no single reason that people are radikaliserte, says Bjørgo of the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet.

FEAR: A famous and notorious image from ICE’ the first evocation in Syria. Photo: AP / NTB scanpix Show more Four groups

Bjørgo has singled out four main types of radikaliseringsfaktorer.

– I think it is likely that what they find in this study flaps with some of the main types, and less with others, ” he says to Dagbladet.

– It is difficult to find one answer – there are also several factors that work radicalising of a subgroup.

Bjørgos four subgroups are:

1 – These are primarily ideological and politically driven, idealists, and to some extent altruister. Leaders, ideologues. They are not many, but has great influence. You must have such an example.

2 – Driven by social needs, belonging and identity. This is the largest group, they seek to extremism and terror, for to meet a social need.

The new study hitting those pretty good, ” says Bjørgo.

3 – Eventyrerne and spenningssøkerne. They are powered by a looking at the new kick and to experience the excitement. This need, they get covered through the exercise of violence and to participate in the war.

4 – These are the frustrated and aggressive, they have had a terrible upbringing where they have experienced a lot of violence. Therefore, they are also accustomed to using violence. In a terrorist group are these useful to get to use violence, they are easy to get to to do the worst things.

Here lives the Norwegian ICE-warriors Dagbladet and The Norwegian ICE-warriors

the Newspaper is familiar with the prequel to a number of the Norwegian ICE warriors. All the four categories of Bjørgo is represented among the approximately 150 Norwegian passport or other association who travelled to Syria and Iraq. Bjørgo believe many of the Norwegian ICE warriors fall into the group of four – frustrated and aggressive, which come from a difficult background and childhood.

These are very different groups, which are driven by different things. The first group is especially resourceful, ” says the professor to the Newspaper.

About 40 of the ICE warriors have later returned to Norway. At least 20 children who are born into the so-called IS caliphate, has a Norwegian mother, according to the Police security service (PST).

Several norwegians among them Bastian Vasques from the Ski, and a norskeritreer from Bærum, twitched upwards in the hierarchy in the ICE. The Norwegian ICE warriors were involved in both propagandavirksomhet and in warfare – where was the marksman.

Many of the Norwegian ICE-associated had settled in Raqqa, which was the “capital” in the ICE’ so-called caliphate.

Friendship, terror and childbirth: how To live the Norwegian ICE-warriors Dagbladet Plus