“Residential area cordoned off by the police investigating serious crime”

“Police have blocked off a house in a residential area in Lund.”

“the Alarm came in early in the morning.”

“– We are investigating a suspected felony. We have blocked off at the site and trying to form a view on what has occurred, ” says Evelina Olsson, police presstalesperson.”

“At 06.17 on långfredagens morning alerted police about a suspected felony. It must have been committed in connection to a home in Lund.”

“– We have blocked off at the site and still have the patrols left, ” says Evelina Olsson at the police command center.”

“the Police state that the house is located in an area with villas and townhouses.”

“According to region Skåne has been a man of 65 years of age brought to the hospital with minor injuries. Police would not comment on skadeläget. “

“– We have blocked off at the site and trying to form a view on what has occurred, ” says Evelina Olsson at the police.”

“the Images show that the police bloodhound is in place in the residential area.”