A 46-year-old man has a grundlovsforhør by the Court in Randers conceded that he Saturday night set fire on his apartment, which is located in a block of flats in Korsgade in Grenaa.
The writing Randers Amtsavis, which followed the hearing.
the 112 – 24. mar. 2019 – at. 10:12 Fire likely arson: Two had to be rescued from the roof
According to the crown jutland media the man is declared to be schizophrenic. He hears voices. They talk the most about, that he should commit suicide, he told in grundlovsforhøret.
I remember that I was in town with my ex-girlfriend, and I had been drinking, but how I came from the tavern and to the apartment where I suddenly stood with a dunk and strintede gasoline in the living room, it I do not remember. I had a lighter in the breast pocket, I smoke, and when I had lit the fire, I went out. And down towards the Plantation and the beach, explained the man.
– I would drown myself. But then I was messing around in the forest and slept maybe a little. When I woke up, I saw light in one of the houses, knocked, and asked that they call for the police, said the 46-year-old.
When he got the opportunity for a last word before the judge made his decision, he said:
I just hope that all is okay, with regard to the two residents in the apartment upstairs his, who had to flee out of the roof in connection with the fire.
By grundlovsforhøret the man was remanded in custody in the surrogate in the preliminary four weeks, writes Randers Amtsavis.