“Ivo, the Inspectorate for health and social care”

“Richard, 33, died after tackle in floorball”

“the Mother: the Doctor was olegitimerad and not at all expert”

“Richard Mandela, 33, tackled and injured seriously when he falls backward over a innebandymatch.”

“At first sjukhusbesöket sent he home. Ten days later, Richard of a blood clot in the brain. “

“– The unauthorised doctor misjudge quite how ill Richard is, ” says his mother Margareta Mandela.”

“In a notification to the Ivo, the Inspectorate for health and social care, describes Margareta Mandela event, and health care behavior.”

“On 5 February 2018 play Richard Mandela floorball. He tackled and falls backward.”

“– It felt like something very serious happened, a feeling that I would die, he tells his wife when he comes home on Monday.”

“Richard complains in a few days over that he is in pain to the right of the neck, and takes all the time over the right käkvinkel. The pain is accentuated when he laughs, coughs, and swallows. He is unfocused, and at one point he descends together on the job during a phone call.”

“Three days after tacklingen he will enter to the emergency department at Capio St Göran’s hospital in Stockholm, with intense headache, dizziness, halssmärta and hörselfenomen. With him he has a colleague and his mother. All three, even Richard himself is a doctor.”

“Some are torn in the neck””

“my Mother Margareta Mandela has been a doctor for 40 years. By Ivo-notification shown that she this evening, believes that the son is at risk of a blood clot, among other things, because he has a so-called APC resistance, that is to say, an elevated risk of blood clots in the legs and lungs. Richard describes his difficult headache for the responsible emergency physician and how it ”felt like something was torn in the neck”. But:”

“It already feels that she has decided that this is not something serious,” says Margareta Mandela. We are surprised that she does not already prescribe a ct scan.”

“the Trio get a moment later to see a doctor who is described as a experienced doctors in neurology. She ensures that there is a blood clot, sent home Richard and prescribe Advil.”

” We were probably a little shocked all three of them. But an experienced neurologist had, of course, acquitted, says Margareta.”

“much later, it appears that the doctor was olegitimerad, had not made the AT-service and deputizing on the neurologist.”

“a Few hours after Richard Mandela is sent home increases the headache. Now he goes to the Karolinska university hospital. “

“On the morning of 9 February a ct scan, but Richard is sent home yet again. First, the 10 February, when he will again to the Karolinska eftergranskas images and blodproppen in the brain is detected. “

“Five days later, on the death of Richard of blodproppen created a high pressure in the brain.”

“”the Treatment contributed to Richard’s death””

“Mother, Margareta, is upset over the actions of Sankt Göran:”

“– We had never left the emergency department if we knew that the experienced neurologist, in fact, was a olegitimerad doctor. The incorrect assessment of Sankt Göran has delayed treatment in almost 48 hours, which is very likely to have contributed to Richard’s death. In contact with Karolinska stated that a ”neurologist” had cleared the patient, which strongly contributed to the delay of the diagnosis.”

“Only after the insistence from the Richards family makes Capio St Göran a lex Maria-notification of the event to Ivo, the Inspectorate for health and social care. The investigation shows, among other things, that St george is defending the inexperienced substitute the doctor’s actions. But the hospital promises to take a number of measures that similar incidents will not occur in the future. Ivo does not direct any criticism against either the hospital or the doctor.”

“Why, Margareta Mandela himself Ivo-notified the hospital. When Aftonbladet contacted her regarding the notice she says:”

“– the health Care system is often described as the most overcrowding is the worst. But perhaps it is so that these hospitals do not send home patients at risk. The way we assess the quality of health care makes me worried. Actually maybe you should look at the exception reports and the number of Ivo-notifications for assessing a hospitals quality. Hospitals with many nonconformance reports are likely better than the hospital that declines to make the deviation, as St. Göran.”