the unit has a traffic accident has occurred on the Drive, in Sweden, at 12.32 pm.

Police, ambulance and other emergency services are now in place.

According to the early information, a woman hit and killed by a car.

“the Woman has been hit by a car or hit it when she linked the trailer park,” says Patric Fors.

the Woman must have been injured in the leg. It is currently unclear as to whether the woman is brought by ambulance to the hospital.

Text update Why, we know nothing about the Folkhälsomyndigheten?

, We keep an eye on the Tegnells daughters, but not essential.

stina’s reaction when she stepped into his house

Skidstjärnans a new home is ready: ”Oh, wow.”

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Showed the snuskfilmer – the host of the show, left the following threat: ”I was in shock.”

”Waking up and thinking, Can this thing be?”

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The analysis of the bekännelsebrevet

, as Compared with a letter from the designated Path, He
Alice Stenlöfs response to bråkryktet with the Sun

In the past my colleagues went to the podcast and ended up working together.
