During the skatteordfører, Jesper Petersen, have been wiser on a bill and has, in his own words stated ’too simplistic’ about it to Ekstra Bladet.

It says the socialist rapporteur, after the party has agreed with himself that it would be to put votes for the tax breaks for boat owners, as Jesper Petersen for four months ago characterized as ‘Liberal Alliance gift to Fritz and Poul-segment with expensive both in Vedbæk, Skovshoved and Rungsted’ and ’tax breaks to those who have most in our society’.

– sometimes you have to also just recognize that if you have been too simplistic of a statement, so one must take an interview as it is here, says Jesper Petersen.

the Criticism was directed against a tax relief on the insurance of yachts, as stated in the government’s budget, and as the governing parties, DF, Radical Left, and therefore also the Social democrats in the Danish parliament Skatteudvalg has been agreed to set for adoption.

It appears by a note from the Parliamentary Skatteudvalg. Tuesday will be voting on the amendment in the Folketingssalen.

concretely, the so-called tax on lysttøjsforsikringer lowered from 1.34 percent to 1 percent annually of the value which the vessel is insured for. The reduction will mean that the bigger a boat you have, the greater will be the saving, and it’s going to cost the treasury 20 billion dollars.

But skatteordføreren admits now that he no longer believes that the tax credit only is a gift to the upper classes.

– We so would like, that they had done it in a different way, but the proposal here, we will not put us in the way of, because we also come to meet them, that have both to a completely different value. It also means something to me, that the action is being funded by a higher penalty on companies ‘ tax debts. So the money also comes from somewhere, where I think it is to defend the fact that you get regular people, who have chosen the boat as interest, in a meeting, says Jesper Petersen.

– But could just as Enhedslisten, SF and Alternative absolutely be to be a part of this majority, which has set the bill, especially in light of the fact that you have been out with a harsh criticism of it?

– If you get a more nuanced position on a proposal, then one must, of course, also just recognize, if you have been too simplistic of a statement, and in any case have been aware of how big a group of regular people, you come in the meeting with the proposal. So we need to work on, that we’re doing an actual conversion, such that those with the most expensive both to pay any more, he says.

– So the reduction is no longer just a tax credit for people who have the most in this country?

– It is not, and that is where my opinion could have been more nuanced. We believe, however, still, there is no reason to give the owners of the most expensive both for the tax credit.

– How would you characterize it here’s bill now, if it’s not a huge gift to the upper classes?

– It is a meeting of the sailors in Denmark, which should have been made more thoughtful than it is, saith the skatteordføreren.

As Extra the Blade previously described, so as to give the tax credit the most affluent boat owners such as Lars Seier Christensen, a tax break on the thousands of dollars a year.

And in the party, wondering why there was The change of attitude to give tax breaks to the most wealthy in society.

– I am very surprised by the Social democrats. The proposal is the same as it constantly has been. There is not changed a comma. I’m annoyed with it, because it is just such a rigmandsrabat, as a new majority would be able to roll back and use the money on something sensible. More nurses in the hospitals or more teachers in elementary school. It is not possible, when the Social democrats apparently have changed the complete attitude in the matter.

the Unity skatteordfører, Rune Lund, it seems strange that the leader of the Party after the harsh criticism of the bill ends up voting for it. Photo: Jacob Jørgensen

– the Bottomline is that this proposal was what was in the budget bill, and as the Social democrats in the past have been very critical of, and which they now think, end up with to be excellent. It is therefore slightly strange that they end up voting for it, says the party’s skatteordfører, Rune Lund.