The democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders criticized his new intra-party rivals Michael Bloomberg sharply. “We don’t believe that billionaires have the right to buy elections,” wrote the left-wing Senator on Sunday on Twitter with a view on the US election in less than a year. “That’s why Multi is not to be come billionaires like Michael Bloomberg in this election very far.” Bloomberg is considered to be one of the richest men in the world and had previously announced his official bid for the presidential nomination of the Democrats.

The billionaire and former New York city mayor said on Sunday: “I am applying as a President, to defeat Donald Trump and America to rebuild. We can’t afford four more years of President Trumps reckless and unethical Act.” The 77-year-old Democrat who once founded the eponymous financial and media companies that can contribute significant financial resources in an election campaign against the Republicans Trump (73).

New rules for their own media

questions were raised on the impact of Bloomberg’s on his media Empire. The CNN Journalist Oliver Darcy spread on Sunday, an internal Letter from the editor-in-chief John Micklethwait to employees of the Bloomberg news Agency. Therein, it was said, editorial of the Agency had so far mirrored Bloomberg’s opinion. In the future there will be only signed Opinions. You will continue the “Tradition” continue to not engage in investigative research, Bloomberg to. This applies now also for the democratic competitors for the nomination. Still will researched to Trump government.

Bloomberg is regarded as a moderate Democrat. He does so in the race for the presidential nomination of the Democrats, especially the former US Vice-President Joe Biden competition is in the polls so far in the front. Last Biden weakened, however. The internal competition on castle in the polls to him, the donations you collect overtook him for the part. Biden first commented on the candidacy of Bloomberg’s.

In March, Bloomberg had declared publicly that he would not be a presidential candidate. According to reports, he did not at that time aware of a nomination to Biden get in the way to. Biden’s Occurrence Bloomberg seems to have disappointed.

For climate protection and stricter gun laws

Bloomberg announced now, in the course of his election campaign plans for a variety of topics urgent to present: among other things, to the creation of well-paid Jobs, to medical care of all Americans, for an end to the violence by firearms misuse, the fight against climate change and for Reform of the migration legislation. He also promised “to increase taxes on wealthy people like me”. The United States, he wanted to make back to “a force for peace and stability” in the world.

Trump not first commented to Bloomberg’s candidacy. However, the President had already reacted with derision to reports of a possible application Bloomberg’s. The “little Michael” is missing the for an electoral victory that is necessary “magic,” quipped Trump. “He is not performing well.” Bloomberg accused Trump on Sunday “narrow-mindedness and hatred, and wrong policies”. He had never been more concerned for the future of America than it is today. “Trump to defeat and America to rebuild – is the most urgent and most important fight of our lives.”

Late in the race

Bloomberg joins extremely late in the already overflowing field of Applicants for the Democrats. Although there are already numerous party colleagues dropped out, apply still almost 20 Democrats to the presidential candidacy for her party. Make the most of them for months before the election. The primaries, where the Democrats will determine their candidates for the presidential election in November 2020 final, start at the beginning of February in Iowa.

prominent contenders for the candidacy were brought up in the past few days due to the speculation on Bloomberg’s candidacy against the new competitors in the position. In particular, Sanders and the left Senator Elizabeth Warren, which relate lie in polls so far, with at the top and again Position against the super-rich, aimed at Bloomberg’s wealth.

Podcast: “USA: decision on 2020” Listen to the latest episode from the Podcast “decision-2020” with the US correspondent Martin Kilian and abroad, chef Christof Münger also on Spotify, or on iTunes.


Created: 25.11.2019, 10:08 PM