“Sanders want to challenge Trump 2020”

” It is time to take the political revolution further.”

“the word gives itself Vermontsenatorn Bernie Sanders once again into the battle for the White house and launches his campaign for the presidential elections in the united states by 2020.”

“Sanders information came in an interview with lokalradiokanalen OUR home state of Vermont in the northeast. In the says the self-proclaimed democratic socialist, that what happened in 2016 was the beginning of a political revolution – that now is the time to continue.”

“I wanted to Vermont residents would get to know first,” says the senator.”

” When I travel around the country, I shall spread the values that all of us in Vermont are proud of – faith on justice, society, gräsrotspolitik and local meetings.”

“the 77-year-old Sanders is not, however, for the generational change that is called for in the Democrats and it has been questioned if he would be able to justify minoritetsväljare as black and hispanic to go out and vote. But when Sanders got a question about this of OUR he struck back.”

“– When we assess candidates, let us not look at skin color, gender, sexual orientation or age. I think we need to move towards a non-discriminatory society, which appreciates people based on their skills and what they stand for, he said, and also stated their good health.”

“Sanders is a political independent senator who usually vote with the Democrats. Several of his colleagues in the senate, as well as democrats with a different background, has already launched their candidacies for next year’s presidential elections.”

“Bernie Sanders was born in New York in 1941 and grew up in a Polish immigrant family in Brooklyn. He highlights his working-class father sold the color. After he had taken a degree in political science at the University of Chicago, he moved to Vermont in the northeastern united states.”

“Has worked as a carpenter, filmmaker and writer, and recorded an album of folk music. In 1981, he was elected mayor of the city of Burlington. In 1990 he was elected to the congressional house of representatives as an independent representative for Vermont, and since 2007 he is the senator for the state.”

“Among his profile questions are the fight against corruption, free higher education, to combat global warming and to reduce the economic gaps in the united states.”

“During the primärvalsprocessen 2016 tried Sanders win the Democratic party presidentnominering but got fewer delegates than your opponent Hillary Clinton. Now he has launched a campaign focusing on the election in 2020.”

“Married to Jane O’meara Sanders. Together the couple has four children and seven grandchildren.”

“Sources: Sanders website, an Encyclopedia, The New York Times with multiple”

“Despite the fact that it is more than 18 months to go until the next presidential elections in the united states has a large number of democrats have already announced that they want to or are considering to challenge the sitting republican president, Donald Trump. So here we see support for the trainees, according to a compilation of the four current polls show that the independent Real Clear Politics.”

“the Aspirant Title Support in percent among democratic voters”

“Joe Biden, former vice president 27,3”

“Bernie Sanders senator from Vermont 17”

“Kamala Harris, the senator from California for 10.8”

“Elizabeth Warren, the senator from Massachusetts 7,5”

“Beto ORourke former congressman from Texas 6,8”

“Cory Booker senator from New Jersey 5”

“Amy Klobuchar senator from Minnesota is 3.3”

“Mike Bloomberg, a businessman, former mayor of New York city’s 3.3”

“Sherrod Brown senator from Ohio, 2”

“Tulsi Gabbard congressman from Hawaii’s 1.3”

“Julián Castro, former minister of housing, exborgmästare in San Antonio is 1.3”

“the Presidential candidates in the united states formally appointed at the Democratic and Republican conventions, but which they will tend to be clear much earlier on in the primärvalsprocessen. The republican convention is scheduled for 24-27 August in Charlotte, North Carolina. The democrats will tentatively meet on 13-16 July, but it is not yet clear.”

“To his life and work sent a few thousand delegates who are elected at the primaries and nomineringsmöten held in each state from February in the election year. The number of delegates varies with the size of the population. The states that vote early weighing heavily political, regardless of size, because the winners get so much attention.”

“Nomineringsmöten is also called nomineringsval or provval (caucus). They are organised by the parties, and means that partifolk are collected locally and are debating the various presidentaspiranterna and implement a form of voting. Primaries organised by the länder and is more like ordinary local elections, although often with lower voter turnout.”

“When it has become clearer which each candidate will appoint their vicepresidentkandidater.”

“Primärvalsprocessen tend to attract voters with more extreme views than the actual presidential election. The presidential election is always held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in november, 2020 november 3.”