It may well be cheaper to drop the car and hail a taxi instead. Before you’ve even rolled the car out over the kerb, it has cost you at least 2200 dollars, and for the money you can get many taxature.

Especially if you live close to your work, it can pay to drive a taxi instead of the car, is the conclusion of a new study from Arbejdernes Landsbank.

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20 monthly taxature
the Survey is based on FDM’s inventory, that shows that it costs about 2200 dollars a month to own a small car – actually before, you have run a single mile. According to the taxi tariffs from the Capital Region, you can actually get up to 20 trips by taxi per month for the same money.

A car is now a money pit – even if it only rarely gets used. For what it costs to have a car standing, which – as the analysis shows – run many taxiture, explains the chief economist at Arbejdernes Landsbank Lone Kjærgaard, which stands behind the study.

The closer you live to his work, the more taxature you can of course run of the 2200 dollars. Have you, for example, five kilometers to work, the costs of a taxi ride is about 110 dollars. In the course of a month, you can then run by taxi 20 times – this corresponds to one way to work every single day. If you live 30 miles from his work, costs taxaturen approximately 450 dollars. You will, however, still be able to afford five trips a month for the same money it costs to have a small car standing in the garage.

Economic benefit with the taxi
– For many families hangs in everyday life, not without the firhjulede. But to have only the car standing for trips to svigerforældrene and friends a few times per month and for working days, where the Danish weather is just too miserable, it is advantageous to consider whether it is the high cost worth the effort with the own car.

– if you Live very close in his work, or have good access to public transport, it can for some be an economic advantage to supplementing månedskortet by taxi every now and then rather than to have his own car standing, adds the chief competition economist.

Dagstaksterne in the capital is 24 dollars in starttakst, if you prajer of a taxi on the street, and 37 dollars, if you order it. In addition, the costs for a 13,8 euros per km travelled plus 6,25 dollars for every minute the taxi has to wait on one. Lone Kjærgaard estimates that the examples are virtually the same in the rest of the country.