There are several evil rooted in the word publiksamverkan. It is horrific to get up on stage, at the request of performing anything dismissively, against himself. Another is if the paying audience is really supposed to help with the content.
Christopher Appelquists version of publiksamverkan can be said to be of the milder kind. In order to enter the lounge must, oh well, all in a bowl add a note with a question. The answers to these are the notion.
There are few in Sweden who would dare to, and partly succeeds with this. But Kristoffer Appelquists improvisationskonst belongs to his more famous talents.
Here, however, it is the other things that make the concept tricky. First: We. To review the audience is both irrelevant as the oproffsigt, but here, it becomes inevitable. We have, of course, a not insignificant part in the performance. And many of us for uninteresting questions, ”What is the meaning of life?” in a clear majority. These pieces of paper rolls Appelquist in the way. Other questions provide more schvungiga response. Sometimes just harsh, curt, as when he fished up frågelappen ”How you lost your virginity?” – ”Through sexual intercourse”. Or about the climate crisis: ”I instagrammar only when I travel by train, never from an airport.”
and he can pick and choose. Sooner or later, comes a patch which causes him to go far beyond the absurditetens limit, when he suggestive to the closest oscillation, on, on, on, then his voice becomes stronger and in the end, he is almost insane. Fruit in food, in particular savoury sandwich layer cakes, is one such. Mix ham, salmon, peas and clementinklyftor belong to such a strong hate-figures for Kristoffer Appelquist, that he will come back to this several times. Or the one about pets in his childhood and all of his suddenly deceased birds, sometimes out of pure negligence. Or how the Ruler of the day has an essentially different significance from when he was young. Then something, ähum, funnily, today an expensive, ugly and personal protection. It was not his words. Era, the child, the present.
And so how it would look, or rather sound, of all our Björn Ranelid would take place in the Swedish Academy.
It mostly goes on in the cheerful, sympathetic half-time. Another was, of course, not to wait. And it is as mentioned earlier, his excesses, that also can go a long way in ourselves, and that also makes this edition of the Appelquist-comedy memorable.
The other knepigheterna then? One is a man (packed?) who decided to this with publiksamverkan you have to take hold of yourself. Hardly Appelquists wrong. However, it is when he finally responds to the issue of the meaning of life: To become world champion in to create quiz competitions. The ultimate promenade, performed at some kind of northern dialect, is a phenomenal rant about how it would be paid from Kebnekajse. And becomes crazier and crazier, with ingredients that hiv-infected wolves, helicopter rides of the world’s overthrow marsipangris. A unique number, which may Maximteatern, almost tipping over. But this is expressed before and have less with the question to do. So in the end, it was Christopher Appelquists own show anyway.