Erna Solberg had to answer to public spending in Parliament oral q & a of the day. The prime minister shall be alleged in order to buy their way out of all problems, and to provide blaffen in the fiscal rule.
questions about what Solberg is doing to combat the growing electricity prices, mean the opposition that the prime minister answered them in an unjustifiable manner from The pulpit.
She goes to the attacks on the us, which raises questions about the policy, rather than responding to what she will do for the common people. It is completely symptomatic. Solberg got bored of talking about electricity prices, for which she has little to get by. She does nothing and went a bit sour when she got more and more questions from the opposition, says SV leader Audun Lysbakken to the Newspaper.
He said from the pulpit that a number of people who have little money “now have less than they would have had because of Erna’s politics”.
And then came A leader with dealt the finishing blow against Solberg:
– Erna Solberg believes that people with bad advice have it well that the government should make some measures against electricity prices now.
See the video at the top of the case!
Predicts tough times: – It will strike us hard Erna in the attacks
Lysbakken was once called “disgraceful” by the prime minister. Solberg was not klubbet of the president of the uparlamentarisk language. Shortly afterwards, Solberg also “astonished” over the post to the Sp leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum, who she would rather was not especially impressed.
– Should Solberg been klubbet?
– It gets people even consider. What I am concerned about is that we ask questions about matters that concern people, many are incredibly concerned about electricity prices, and so responds Well only to go to the attack on the us, says Vedum.
– You are big boys – sutrer’t you a little now?
– No. We can, of course, to get påpakning from the prime minister, but we think she should answer questions and show concern for electricity prices rather than to attack us that ask questions, answer Vedum.
Now is the sjokkpris on the power and you refused to replace the electricity supplier Erna: – I is attributed to the opinions
Solberg says she reacted in Lysbakken because he con her views she did not have. The prime minister says she “always intended” that this is ugreit to do.
– He said: “I thought people had good enough economy to withstand the increase in the electricity price. I have never said. I think that to ascribe people opinions, especially since I said the opposite from the pulpit, is bad manners. I have always believed is bad manners, says Solberg to the Newspaper.
– You attack nevertheless the opposition rather than to talk about the case?
– I’m talking both about the case and I attack them. I realize that this is uncomfortable for the SV, who has talked a lot about electricity prices, but would actually have higher electric charge than in the day. It is also uncomfortable for the centre party, which has attacked the us for the increase in the electricity fee, even if they have been on almost all of the increases.
the central party will have a lower el-fee now, then?
for The last year, they wanted el-fee is one cent lower than the government. One ear. There is a balance I think Slagsvold Vedum should attend to when he asks questions from the Parliamentary pulpit, responding Well.
– We will get a european electricity prices