The Zurich cantonal Parliament don’t want quotas-politicians: He has sunk to a SP proposal for gender quotas on electoral lists on Monday. The Parliamentary Initiative was only supported by 49 members of the Council. Needed 60 votes would have been.

women are under-represented at the political level, systematic, reasoned SP-a certain day, Michèle Dünki (Glattfelden) to the proposal. This reasons are mainly two: For one, women are stronger in the family and the voluntary work involved. On the other hand, many women are networked worse, what narrower your chances of Election.

The SP urged, therefore, that c should be represented. With the 55 per cent, a certain amount of leeway, there is Dünki said. “Intersex.”

The proposal met with only in the case of the AL, and a part of the Green on the consent. All the other factions were against a rigid percent requirement for election.

SVP: measure unnecessarily

“We don’t need a women’s quota is still a quota for women,” said SVP-certain day, Barbara Grüter (Rorbas). Such a measure was not necessary. They appealed to the self-responsibility of women. “What’s to stop us because of our relationship?” Also, the FDP did not want to support the initiative. Sonja Rueff (Zurich), seated himself on the Board of the woman’s Central, acknowledged that it is difficult, Job, family, and politics. “But this is a Problem we can’t solve, by forcing the parties to their lists with women to replenish.”

green liberals, wait, want

“one or two Legislatures” want to wait for the green liberal. A long-time goal could not be achieved, said Sonja Gehrig (Urdorf). A third of women in the Zurich Parliament is of course too little. Therefore, it is important that the parties would now take concrete measures. “If these measures do not engage, we need to about the books.”

The EDU, however, considers it outdated that the company was “in male and female” divide. All who wanted to engage politically, would have the opportunity to do so, said Erich Vontobel (Bubikon). Who could convince voters that the door and gate were open today. “Stop this whining,” said Vontobel to the left, on the Council side directed.

SVP-list, with 25 percent of women The electoral lists show of this year’s member of the Parliament elections, not all parties would comply with the requirement of the SP. A comparatively low proportion of women in the SVP: only 25 percent of the Candidates are female – much less than the required 45 percent. In the case of the Green, and 53 per cent, with the FDP just under 40 percent. In the case of the SP itself, nearly 50 percent are women.

Overall, the proportion of women has increased to the electoral lists easily. Of the 1734 Candidates who want to be elected next Sunday, are 723 women. This corresponds to a share of around 42 percent, 5 percentage points more than in 2015. (lop/sda)

Created: 18.03.2019, 13:23 PM