Helsingborg, sweden-came to the top of the premiere, but landslagskaptenen Andreas Granqvist. White I woke up with the disease, and during the day was tested, he was on the corona, and the result was negative.

in the town of Varberg, the match was historic. For the first time ever, to play a team in Sweden’s top league.

And it was a great success, to say the least.

”I Have longed for it”
Mr Seljmani, got the ball in the penalty area, turned off the HIF-defense and gave the team the lead. The target is the High of the first in the top division ever.

< A kalasvändning of Seljmani. He put it out with the left foot, and turn away from his players and put the shot. It's not fair, " says the expert, Stefan Ishizaki, in the Dplay.

Seljmani, of course, was delighted after the first half.

” I’ve been longing to see it. Then I started to play a game of football, I have drömmat to be able to make the goal in the top division. I think we should take this command, we have the presses and scales to hold the ball, ” says the captain of the team during the half time.
7 great yoga exercises to suit all bodies and reducing the stress of the , is Good for the balance of the body and the thyroid gland Suspected: Graduation celebration is behind the 30 new coronafall

Physicians with fears of more outbreaks in sweden, Skåne
the Biggest talents in One – north, the series for 16, the player can take in a live league.

Engberg, new kärleksbesked: ”I feel all giggly now – ”

✓”Entertainment” ✓Changing the ”Lotta på Liseberg” ✓Why thank you she’s no ‘ So much the better.”

the Six women are: That is why we are very proud of our vaginas

Four out of ten women in sweden is ashamed • bronze medalist, The 38 ”is A source of strength and energy.”

”I’ve never seen such a fear to die?”

the Doctors ‘ alarm, from inside the hospital: ”I believe the fall will be heavy.”
