the Parties behind the school reform carried out has been to agree on an adjustment of the highly disputed day schools, which now means shorter school days for the country’s schoolchildren.

this was stated by The finance minister Kristian Jensen.

the Alignment of the folkeskolereformen also means that now there will be 90 more fagtimer to the students.

It is the government, the Danish people’s Party, the Social democrats, The Radicals and SF, as of Wednesday morning agreed on the attention-grabbing adjustment.

Thus ends the rather extraordinary process, was moved from the Ministry of education to the ministry of Finance.

the Danish policy – 11. sep. 2018 – at. 11:57 Get an overview: How will Loop back on the primary school

the Resort-the change happened because the Party was dissatisfied with the minister of education Merete Riisager (LA). For the same reason, the finance minister, Kristian Jensen, who has been to complete the negotiations.

It is a small half a year ago that the government tabled a number of proposals for adjustments of the folkeskolereformen from 2013.

Students can also look forward to 90 extra fagtimer. The government’s presentation was 480 hours, writes Ritzau.

Specifically, this means that there will be added 90 extra fagtimer annually to the foreign language in 5. class, visual art in 6. class and the history of the 9. class.