who wants to succeed with their new year’s resolution should be a little more prepared than “haspla” out something around the stroke of midnight. Here are six tips that increase the chances to succeed with its nyårsflöte:

1. Set specific and measurable goals. Often it is namely, the lack of planning that we fail with our förändringsönskningar. Närmandemål – says what we should do, like starting to walk to work – is better than undvikandemål – says what we should not do, like quitting smoking. Start with a minimål and formulate a number of milestones on the way towards the big goal.

2. Think about your values. Strive for what you really are passionate about. If you act based on what you think other people think it is easy to lose the desire.

3. Act first and then think. Motivation seldom comes from within but is usually a result of your actions.

4. Create new habits. Clear your environment on the signals that remind you of old habits and replace them with new thoughts.

5. Do nyårslöftet public. If other people know about your new year’s resolution, so can the chances of success are doubled. Another way is to work together with someone who want the same goals. Or find a personal coach who supports spurs you on.. They can be your partner or a friend.

6. Hold on to what you have achieved. The most important trait for success is perseverance. Survey the risks of a setback, such as a physical craving or temptation. A setback means that temporarily slip back and is easy to get up from. Practice to let the craving come and go. A setback should not be confused with relapse, which is a more permanent decline.

Source: “Ten in the twelve” (Nature & Culture)