“So, Bolund attract back the voters to the MP”

“ÖREBRO. The green party will try to attract back voters by catching up to the growing environmental movement in society. “

“the New spokesperson Per Bolund says that the party now is in nystartsläge:”

“We have made a bad election results and gone through a tough term,” he says.”

“Per Bolund and Isabella drank in the bubbly after the party congress voted Bolund as a new mouthpiece. Bolund was favorittippad for the post, but the only challenger, Magnus Wåhlin from Kronoberg, received unexpectedly strong support. “

“About one third of the delegates voted for him. “

“Bolund was received by cheers and applause in the congress hall in Örebro after the vote. “

” I’m humbled, proud and grateful that the members have given me this confidence. It is the finest mission you can have, ” he says. “

“That as many as one-third wanted to see the challenger Wåhlin explains the Bolund with that MP is an open party with many different voices. “

“Per Bolund, who is also financial markets, is usually described as a högerinriktad miljöpartist. The description is, he is, however, itself not if. “

” No, I feel that is genuinely green. When I went into politics, there was no doubt that MP was the party for me, ” he says and adds that the MP shall be a party in the middle of Swedish politics. “

“On the question of how he thinks it will be marked to the party now makes a ledarbyte, he answers:”

” I think this is a chance for a fresh start for the green movement. We can catch up in the commitment that is growing for a sustainable future.”

“Why do we need a fresh start?”

” We have made a bad election results and gone through a tough term in office. Now we see that the green movement is growing in the whole of Europe. We are a party in the forefront. “

“the Proposal to ban flight”

“On the MP-the congress several proposals to restrict the flight. The green youth want to introduce a progressive tax, which means that you will have to pay more the more you fly. The youth league also wants to ban domestic flights between Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. Without flygbegränsningarna, it will be difficult to achieve the climate objectives, consider the Green youth.”

“Bolund do not think it is a good idea. “

” I don’t think förbudsvägen is the right way to go. Rather, it’s about lifting up the problem and flygskatten has set off a debate on aviation, which I welcome. Now reduce the flying and rail travel is increasing greatly, much due to the green Party. “

“Lövin: Sharing the same passion.”

“Isabella says that she has a strong confidence for Bolunds capacity, his knowledge and passion for the environment. “

“– We also share a strong passion for the sea. Here we have a financial markets can actually be anything about the ecosystem, not just the financial system. “

“Name: Per Daniel Bolund”

“Profession: financial markets ago 2014, got to add even bostadsfrågorna 2019. The nomination committee’s proposal that new spokesperson for the green Party after Gustav Fridolin.”

“Live: In the south Stockholm”

“Family: wife and three children.”

“Income: Statsrådsarvode of 136 000 sek per month”

“the Background: Is trained as a biologist at Stockholm university and Stirling University in Scotland. Elected a member of parliament since 2006. Was oppositionsborgarråd in Stockholm, 2010-2011.”

“• What he is most pleased with from the time in the government:”

“– That we have doubled the environmental budget in four years and implemented klimatinvesteringar as Sweden has never before seen. And that I, in my work been able to help to make the financial market greener, channelling investments to renewable energy and sustainable solutions for the future and away from fossil fuels and unsustainable investments.”

“• co-operation with the minister of finance Magdalena Andersson (S): “

” I think we have a very good and humble cooperation, we are honest and open with each other, it is important for it to work. I also think it was important for the red-green government has functioned and been able to deliver as good results. We have managed to combine the most ambitious climate policy in the world to also have a hugely strong labour market, falling unemployment and very strong public finances. “

“• To cooperate more closely with the spokesperson Isabella Lövin, environment and klimatminister and the deputy prime minister: “

“– I look very much forward to, I think she is an amazing person who combines a warm throbbing heart of the future climate and to also be tremendously skilled in their work and be able to formulate and implement the green policy proposals. “