Edegem The verkiezingskoorts in Edegem continues to rise. After a dispute around the public billboards, there is now a discussion arose between CD&V and N-VA on privéborden. According to CD&V interferes with N-VA intentionally, the visibility of CD&V posters with their own billboards.

This episode of the verkiezingssoap in Edegem is located in the territory of N-VA vice-chairman Rudi Dias at the intersection of the Prins Boudewijnlaan with the Terelststraat. Last week, allowed CD&V) on the territory of the neighbors put up signs with her verkiezingskandidaten. Then, N-VA supporters with their signs right in front of that of CD&V, on the territory of Dias.

Read also the Directors place the removed billboards after threat to opposition to additional town council

“A privégeschil” was then end at N-VA-chairman Hugo Van Bueren. However, after complaints from city council member Adrian De Weerdt (CD&V), the sixth successor to the Flemish Parliament, together towards a solution. That solution came Tuesday afternoon. The signs of CD&V were increased so that all posters, both CD&V and N-VA, clearly visible from the street. Everyone is happy. A few hours later were also signs of N-VA is increased with additional posters and sat it back on the car.


“One must no longer hide behind the privédispuut between these neighbours”, denounces The Weerdt. “It is, in fact, about the vice-president of N-VA that are also in the city council seat. A party would a solution be able to enforce where everyone can live with.”

The neighbor knew that there signs were coming. Why does he have it there? To resolve the conflict to provoke?

Rudi Dias

“I don’t understand the commotion is not”, responds the N-VA vice-chairman Dias, owner of the land. “We place our signs for the past 35 years in that place. In advance was already agreed upon which posters would come out. The pits for the posts of the previous elections I had special leave to reuse them. Also the increase of other posters was planned. The neighbor wíst that there signs were coming. Why does he have them yet? To resolve the conflict to provoke?”

at the Beginning of may, there was also already discussion in Edegem between N-VA and opposition parties Green, sp.a, CD&V and Open Vld because the board has public notice boards had been abolished. After the opposition threatened with a extra city council, decided the N-VA board to at a number of locations common signs.